2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

There are plenty of huge deplorables who are very good highstakes DFS players.

Does ACB have twitter? Because Trump is a lock to start tweeting at his own Supreme Court appointments bitching at them for not showing sufficient loyalty. And its gonna be fantastic.

I’d give him until Trump physically leaves the White House before going full nuclear. He’s clearly still in denial right now.


Let the record show Wichita only has the second highest EV bet on UP this cycle. (Dude bet me Hillary vs the field for the Dem nom and I only had to lay 2 to 1. He didn’t want to settle til the election because he had a theory they’d drop her in last minute, but the check’s supposedly in the mail…)

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There are some even huger deplorables that were bad DFS players but parlayed their celebrity into the most popular QAnon derpcast.

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I probably attribute too much logic to political views.

If it was coming down to one state and a certain type of votes, that’d be one thing. Like say the election hinged on PA and PA hinged on votes counted 11/3 to 11/6… But fortunately we avoided that.


But no one is talking about that. We know republicans aren’t going to ‘stop’ him.
If there was any case here, if the elections were super close - sure, we’d be fucked as a motherfucker.

But they aren’t. There is no case to be made. Also let’s be honest here, other than like a few dudes in AZ a week ago, we aren’t seeing anything happening on the streets. There are no protests. Americans are too lazy for that. Signing up to Parler is the biggest act of resistance they are willing to do.

We are still very much fucked on the SC and everywhere else. It just won’t be election-related.

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Yeah the SC could easily pull a Bush v Gore if it was down to one state.

But I don’t think the SC has an incentive to support an overt coup. What’s in it for them? And what do they really lose by having Biden become the President with what is most likely a split Congress?

“stealing the election to own the libs” isn’t enough?


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Not when it would destabilize the country and put their cushy lifestyles and the power of the SC as a whole at risk.

Let’s be clear here on what people are worrying about. They’re suggesting that the Supreme Court will throw out 100,000+ votes. To my knowledge all of these votes were cast legally, using methods of voting used to some degree in past elections. All arrived by 11/3 or in accordance with previously standing deadlines used in past elections.

That’s a judicial coup. That’s not going to happen.

Or they’re worrying about three states awarding their electors to the losing candidate in violation of state law, and SCOTUS ruling that the state laws are unconstitutional and this is okay. In theory it’s possible, but there would be hell to pay and the country would collapse. Again, I just don’t see it.

The obvious theory of this, IMO, is that prior to the election the courts has said that the ballots that were postmarked on or before Election Day and that arrived by 11/6 would be counted in Pennsylvania and North Carolina.

Those decisions were not final, final, so believe the Supreme Court would have overturned them and threw out the ballots if it handed the election to Trump. The reasoning for allowing the “late ballots” to count was tenuous, imho. I was 75% sure the SC would be willing to do this but given how batshit insane the entire GOP has gone after the election, it’s more like 99.99%.

I have a friend at one of those firms and he confirmed the associates are super-pissed.

Partners largely don’t care because once you’re a biglaw partner you obviously DGAF about anything remotely related to morals.


@grue we made a $100 bet where I took the under 60% turnout for the election. I could have sworn I set an alarm for the confirmation post to ping me a reminder a week after the election. But not finding it. Loser pays out to charity of winner’s choice. Lemme know who you want me to send money to.


Or they pushed her through because the outcome we got was the most likely and it was pure gto.

Not only are we not going to pack the court, Mitch will probably refuse to let us confirm a single judge.

Trump is a piece on the board not one of the players. Preserving him is not only not a priority but figuring out how to get rid of him is job 1 at Mitch and Rupert’s house.

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So basically a full recount? Okay, fine, we still win.

Nope, then have to worry about Trump taking his ball and going home and refusing to appoint more judges. Mitch has played this insanely well tbh.


No… Trump would have used it for leverage.


Yeah I hate the guy but Mitch is a damn impressive player of this game. If the modern GOP is the new confederacy Mitch is their Robert E Lee.