2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Biden just called Trump’s lack of a concession an embarrassment.


He waited like a month to pay me on our most recent Covid bet also after some bullshit. I’m never betting with him again this is the last thing we have outstanding and the bet got made way back in late March.

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Upload it on Vimeo or something, then link it.

There’s a nonzero chance that’s the deal they already took. We really put them in a bad spot optics wise. A sane president wouldn’t have started the exchange because it was a clear act of war that probably should have started a war. Trump, as usual, took a giant dump on the floor and made a bunch of infinitely more capable mega powerful people clean up his mess for him. The Iranians were so tense they shot down an airliner. From their perspective I’m sure it looked like the start of a war, because we had to know that doing that was massively over the line right?? They reined it in and took the political fallout. Honestly they’re much better allies to us right now than any of our so called friends in the Middle East. None of them have ever done us that big of a favor that I’m aware of.

I’m in no way saying the Iranians are going to assassinate Trump, but I’m saying Trump does shit like this all the time. All the time. Karma isn’t real and if you live by the sword you won’t die by the sword… but probability is an evil bitch. The more risk you take the more likely you’ll get burned. Trump has been insulated from feeling the losses directly his whole life and then he went out onto the world stage with 100,000,000,000x the power and kept acting like himself. He didn’t notice but when he was sworn in he left one bubble (the rich guy can’t really get in trouble bubble) and entered the POTUS bubble which is basically impenetrable as we’ve all experienced vividly. The #1 personality trait he has is that he’s an abusive asshole who has never considered how another human being would see anything in his life. He’s about to exit the POTUS bubble in ten weeks with the unofficial personal payback debt load of President Donald J Trump. He gets a Secret Service detail so he probably won’t get whacked (if he didn’t he wouldn’t last a week) but the only sane move he has left is to get on a plane for Moscow. If I was on his detail I’d have drawn up my will.

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Has there been any moment in Trump’s Presidency that isn’t an embarrassment?

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Didnt wanna sign up or use my youtube but screw it.

Sorry for vertical phone recording and bad volume but this absolutely tickled me, especially after how seriously the media has been taking that statement all morning.

I dont like his politics but god we need this dude’s energy right now. He came off supremely confident and relaxed.



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Iran won’t assassinate Trump. It would be an act of war. Even Biden would have to do something about it. Trump is obviously a huge evil POS but he will still be an ex president.

When he finally welches, your last txt should be something about a whole forum of bettors wanting some of his action, with a link to join us here.


He should ask Susan Collins to draft a letter of deep concern if Iran kills Trump.


gonna keep my hot take that nothing will happen. Not sure how this is in anyway similar to 2000. This will end up with Trump going to twitter war against his own SC judges, which is gonna be very fun to watch.

Probably not. But this is a spot that’s about recognizing that there is a huge knot of long tails here that actually makes up most of the possible outcomes for Trump. Come on, you don’t think this thing is going to end normally do you?

So many of them do this all the time. Called out on anything, it’s always a joke, stupid lib, you can’t take any jokes?

When bad things happen for them, they didn’t see the tweet. They’re not paying attention to the “three ring circus.” This guy is willing to bet on election, but just can’t bother to pay attention to things anymore. Strange person!

It’s probably why they are leaving any forum where they ever encounter an opposing view. They are weak.


I don’t see it, sorry. If the SC takes it seriously I’ll reconsider and panic, which is a hobby of mine. For now I just see Republicans taking advantage of the situation to build up some 2022 points.

From their perspective it can be sold as the same thing D did with the Russian investigation.

Is this a 2p2er or someone else who’s reputation you can ruin?

Tbh, this dude doesn’t seem like a bad Secretary of State, at least with regard to voting. Sounds about as good as you can get from the other side.


Biden should make him the real SOS!

Not sure how I feel about you taking money off someone who’s clearly mentally disabled.


He is in a high stakes fantasy football league I am in that is not running this year due to Covid. I know him personally, he is here in OKC. I have played in the same poker game pre-Covid and gone out to watch games a couple times with him and drink some beers. I sent the same ss to a few of our mutual friends and they are all horrified. One of them told me he is “going through something right now” whatever that means. So I guess I will wait a few weeks and then put out another feeler. We know enough of the same people I could put some pressure on him probably.

ETA- Maybe not. A mutual friend here in OKC said he pretty much cut off their entire friend group in the last few months. I haven’t seen him since pre-Covid. So who knows what is going on.

The guy is almost surely a huge fantasy fish.

Although the number of poker pros who are pure deplorables gives me pause.