2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

what the hell? waaf

I mean the contracts say winner of the popular voteā€¦ I expect them to pay out when the states each certify.

Just woah there. Everybody knew it Wednesday morning.

Ivanka will not go to jail, will not change her name, and will not be shunned from civil society.

Iā€™m interpreting it as saying what Trump wants to hear up front, then backing off once daddy stops listening.

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The real Trump Derangement Syndrome I think is believing that heā€™s bullet proof. Even after nothing has gone well for him in a year and a half and heā€™s holding his political allies at gunpoint after they already tried to bolt.

The office of the president is bullet proof. Trump is just an orange game show host beloved by the 70M screaming lunatics who love him. Unfortunately for them this is America where the opinion of a billionaire or two means more than how they feel about anythingā€¦ and on a more global level this is the planet earth which is split up among a series of oligarchs and power brokers all competing for the right to allocate the various rents from their competing territories.

Trump and his cult are a terrain feature not a player, and itā€™s worth remembering that.

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I agree with the joke/saying what Trump wants to hear takes. Remember, Pompeo is super dumb and always a little shaky and nervous when trying to speak extemporaneously. Sounded to me like he was trying to be cheeky before giving the more standard answer that they will make the new President prepared.


Trump wins NC


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How does he ā€œwinā€ a state a full WEEK after the election? Fishy!


Well, god does save like 100,000 jews or something in armageddon. To be fair.

Lol Trump just got a fresh hit of hope


It appears theyā€™ve called it despite no change in anything. NC was done counting votes like 11/4 and doesnā€™t start counting the rest til 11/12, so Iā€™m confused as to how it was not callable 11/4 or whatever and is now.

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Absolutely the kind of questions that need asked. Because that is obviously it. Insert an extra word to make it ā€œscared sore loserā€, to be more perfectly accurate.

I guess Dems should probably sue.

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Had my first cordial interaction with a deplorable in 4 years.

It went roughly like: me challenging something ludicrous he said (biden is gonna repeal everything trump did and install a dictatorship!), followed by him doubling down on it with some evidence, me debunking the evidence presented, him accepting my rebuttal begrudgingly but saying biden was still gonna fuck everything up, me consoling him by saying that biden canā€™t really do anything without the senate and SC. Ended with both of us wishing each other a nice day.

Maybe it was isolated and anecdotal but that was super, super weird. Hopefully it is more common soon.

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Thanks. Yeah he kind of chuckles as he says it, seems like heā€™s joking/trolling.