2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Yea, this is what I was trying to type out but you did it more succinctly.

I’d be freaking out if biden won like nevada/AZ just barely and lost PA/GA, making it 270-268 I believe. Because then we’d be drawing very live to faithless electors throwing the election. But as it stands there’s just no realistic path to the presidency for trump.

It’s sad we have to sit here and fret about this stuff, but what republicans are doing now reminds me of what we were all doing in 2016. Refusing to believe the result until January, coming up with all these crazed scenarios about electors refusing to cast their votes for trump and I remember people legit sweating that.

In the republican’s case it’s probably much more traumatic of a loss, because they genuinely revered trump (i think i was the only person in the forum that genuinely liked hillary) and the early results seemed to show signs of a trump victory, and biden “came from behind” to win it.

I mean that’s really traumatic for them. I’m not surprised at all the reaction is what it is. They’re in the denial phase and it’s freaking us out. Unfortunately I dont think they’ll quite come to “acceptance,” but at least I can hope for depression.

I’m absolutely having a blast all over my pages right now. The shrieking is delicious. Reminds me of 2018 but like so much better. Try to enjoy it, if you can. They’ve been relentlessly confident and arrogant for the last 5 years. It’s time for them to eat crow. Us fretting is just giving power to their delusions.




The top military brass sat on their hands and let Trump almost drag us into a war with Iran, I have about as much faith in the integrity of the generals as I do of Bob Barr.


Why are you bringing up the 2008 Libertarian presidential candidate?

He’s the president and someone convinced the Iranians to not hit back proportionally.

Also I had forgotten that the second largest state sponsor big terrorism was one of Trump’s lesser enemies.

I’m sure he’s going to be just fine when he gets out of office. It’s totally rational to imagine that we have to worry about Ivanka running for office as though a person by that name will still be around. If she’s free she’s changed her name and is not talking to anyone, the other two options are dead and in prison. Both stronger contenders than free.

These people tried to ride the tiger and fell off.




Yeah, the Iranian generals convinced their leader not to do counterattack. Ours sat on their hands and let Trump nearly start WWIII with an illegal assasination. The brass are bureaucrats in fancy uniforms, they’re just as craven as the guys running the DoJ.

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To hopefully relax everyone, even Trump is making moves for his post-presidency grift:

Such a sad indictment on our system that this is even legal.

I had a lot of conversations like this with my old boss who is a newly minted citizen. He was from India which is pretty corrupt. He’d see stuff like this and be bewildered and say “how is this legal in America?” And I’d have to gently tell him our system is not that great. It was kind of heartbreaking every time.

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Gritty needs all the popcorn to watch this play out.

giphy (6)


My friend just sent me this, there has to be some missing context:



He says it straight up and then kind of backs off of it a little bit, just saying the usual old bullshit about counting up the legal votes.


A little bit:


The full clip:


Just seems like more delusion.

Edit: god damn ponied by a millisecond

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Pence: I’ve seen enough.

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Is FAAFO pronounced fah-foe or fae-foe.

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I’m interpreting Pompeo’s statement there as your classic, “watch how wound up I can get the libs”. And then later you say you were just kidding and the libs can’t take a joke.


Lol, it did actually kind of sound like he was joking though, in an asshole way. Especially given the context of his remaining statement.


Abbreviate it in print, never out loud. Fuck Around and Find Out.