2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Vice President-Deselect Pence


Trump thread: Trump stuff happening now (Esper firing, etc.)
This thread: Election stuff (There will be overlap between this and Trump)
Post-election thread: Analysis of the election results we know about and looking forward to 2022 and 2024.


eyebooger, who is definitely not SenorKeeeed even though they both look the same until you read the fine print, has spoken,

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I wouldnā€™t be too freaked out if the system didnā€™t already massively support R minority rule, which is firmly entrenched both legally and culturally. Rs controlled the Senate and every key state legislature (and most key governorships) in 2016 so nothing Ds could even theoretically do to stop Trump from taking office.

I am very confident Rs will not allow Trump to keep office in 2021, but they are a) going to stop JUST short of doing so until January out of fear that he will shoot the hostage, building the tension and narrative the whole time and b) prime the pump to tip the scales massively in their favor in the future.

Like okay, convinced too late for this election, but would R state legislatures and governor in Georgia and Texas say ā€œno more fraudulent popular voteā€ in future elections, we decide the electors? They are perfectly allowed to do that, and Ds canā€™t retaliate because states where we have a smallish edge that might flip are gerrymandered.


Again we know exactly what is going to happen. The military is going to turn to Biden and say ā€œMr. President?ā€ and itā€™s going to be instantly over. No blood will be shed because squaring off with the military is a form of suicide. Not political suicide. Physical suicide.

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And even if this happens most of us are rich enough to just leave

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Really glad I donā€™t need this passportā€¦ I hate traveling and I really like Austin.

Yeah, probably.

But man, if I were actively planing a coup, firing the Defense Secretary and also cleaning out the leadership of people like this:

Is exactly how I would do it.

Heā€™s trying, but the new Defense Secretary is a career military dude from central casting just like the rest of the military brass. He can fire the guy or gal at the top but the next round in the clip is basically the same person all the way down to the cadets that just got out of West Point.

He fired Esper because Esper didnā€™t help him with the riots and he was mad about it. Heā€™s enjoying the act of firing every person who irritated him for the last 2 years or so on his way out like a spiteful narcissistic child.

Remember the video of that navy captain leaving his aircraft carrier to a standing ovation? Thatā€™s the militaryā€™s core culture, which they drill into them every single day they are in. Itā€™s brainwashing so that when the moment comes they wonā€™t question it for a second. Theyā€™re being conditioned to kill or die and to expect it from the rest of the team.

Trump is basically the opposite of that culture of glorifying sacrifice in every conceivable way. He lost the military vote 60/40 and they recruit most heavily from the reddest places in the United States. Iā€™ve seen a lot of people my age sign up to get out of poverty to mixed results. It worked for some of them.




Oh good

I donā€™t know. Iā€™m thinking it out to its end because I donā€™t see it happening either and Iā€™m trying to calm down people that think this has a real chance.

They wouldnā€™t, but I guess I believe US society could function pretty much as normal even under a military dictatorship (unfortunately).

I mean maybe under this scenario he just does away with elections entirely and dissolves congress? I mean weā€™re entering emperor palpatine levels of theorycrafting here if we go that far.

The post immediately below yours appears to belie this point a bit.


Yeah not that guy. Thankfully Iā€™m pretty sure heā€™s not going to be able to call a military coup on his own.
Also looks like heā€™s just a political appointee. Of course those people are crazy.

My family, having seen the Bush families high regard for Democracy down in Central America in the early 1990ā€™s, was quite sure he was going to steal it. My dad was definitely Jbroing out hard.

That was a single state decided by hundreds of votes.

Biden won by three states, all by margins much larger than that.

Iā€™m not worried about who will be president on January 21.

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As a side note, people with unhedged positions waiting to win on PI might want to think about locking profit in while the markets are still open (are they?) just in case (unless T&C explicitly guarantees the bets will win).

Lol, this is like a reverse freeroll. You think the US dollars on predictit are holding their value if Trump succeeds in declaring himself God-King?

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ya Iā€™m not sure this is the worst news Iā€™ve ever heard