2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Trump refusing to concede stopped being fun sometime yesterday afternoon. I foolishly assumed that Republicans would start pointing and laughing at him, but that isn’t going to happen.


Do it!

Tell me again that a bunch of the worlds rich and powerful (who also hate him) are just going to let Donald wander around free after he leaves office.

Rupert Murdoch and Mitch McConnell are probably both so angry right now their staff is actively avoiding them.

He is such a massive liability alive that his value dead or in prison is almost unimportant, but he’s actually worth quite a bit dead or in prison.

Lol, Cucks.

I dunno this is going down exactly as I had imagined so far so I am having considerably less anxiety than some of you.

Relax guys. He was always going to try to coup. As broken as our system is it’s not so broken that someone can just declare themselves president for life. Nor do I think people would go along with it.

I mean let’s face the worst case scenario here, trump remains in office jan 21. The backlash down ballot in 2022 will be immense and it’ll be the final nail in the republican coffin. Unless he takes over and declares elections illegal or something, we aren’t really fading many horrific scenarios anymore. We already faded the worst one.

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So like we’ve been saying, this GOP leadership posturing is because Trump is threatening to shoot the (GA) hostages.

Lindsey got shit on and ghosted by Trump and his boy Lou Dobbs and I’m sure others as well. He won by 11 points. Who the fuck else are they gonna vote for? Worthless cowards every single one of them.

(Also, in my mind, this makes it a stone cold LOCK OF THE CENTURY OF THE YEAR that Trump has massive dirt on Lindsey. Lindsay now knows he doesn’t need Trump’s endorsement to keep his own job, so the fact that he’s still debasing himself to satisfy Trump’s tantrums all but proves it.)

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That entire last paragraph requires the military to be on board and there’s not a single member of of the military brass that doesn’t fantasize about putting a bullet in his head. Plus they are basically the most traditional people in the country and helping him is just about the opposite of that here. That tradition is what kept them from living out the fantasy after his first meeting with Putin.

The guy tweeted an unedited image from a keyhole satellite. The amount of raw technical data that can be extracted from that image is the entire justification for secrecy laws. That moment, all by itself, made a military coup for him totally impossible… and probably put a military coup to oust him on the table it if he got re-elected.

Really hard to overstate what a huge national security problem Donald Trump is. And that’s the cause these guys have given their entire lives to. They’ve done terrible things for it. And in many cases it’s something their family has been doing for a long time.

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Yea ironic as it is, the cult-like respect and reverence for our system is probably what is safeguarding us right now.


You had me until this third paragraph lol. There is no scenario where Trump is in office on January 21st and the country doesn’t basically collapse.


I don’t think we are going to have a coup, it’s just clear to me now that things are going to continue getting more and more undemocratic.


Not really complaining, but a little lost… is this thread different than the Trump thread now and/or different than the Post-election thread?

If the differences aren’t huge, I’d love one bigger thread to track instead of three.


Collapse in what sense? Full societal breakdown? I really doubt it. Violence and rioting in the streets for months? Yea, sure. But people can only maintain that for so long and americans (particularly dems) are weak. I dont think many of us are actually willing to fight and die for this shit. I’m certainly not and I’ll admit it now.

I could see a worst case scenario of some cheating narrative taking hold and americans just shrugging and going “oh well I guess it was rigged, btw when’s that amazon sale?”

But it won’t happen is what I’m saying. There are SOME safeguards and I really believe this. Maybe I am just naive.

I wonder how much of this comes down to Trump just not being able to personally humiliate himself by having to make a concession speech, invite Biden to the White House, and go through all the other trappings of handing over power?

Like if he could just give some lame non-concession then bug out and go whine on twitter/derposhphere - maybe he does it. But conceding means he then has endure one humiliation after another of handing over power. He just can’t do that. It’s weak.

I think this thread is for talking about the election, votes still coming in etc. possibility of trump not leaving office. The anxiety thread, if you will.

I see the post election thread as a place for more nuanced conversation about the effects of this election. Here we are mostly just panicking and imagining worst case scenarios and posting memes and I think it’s fine.

Maybe I’m wrong but that’s my read. I agree it is confusing.


Also put me in the lesser end of the freakout camp.

Think about what was happening in 2016. We were all complaining about (real) Russian interference, and even wild speculation about Russian hacking the vote (probably not real). Meanwhile Republicans were just laughing their asses off at us. Lol you lost lib - get over it, and endless crying baby memes.

To them this is just the flip side of the same coin. We whined about Russia - they’re going to throw an incoherent hissy fit about random generic voter fraud. We should probably just send them a bunch of crying baby memes and stop freaking out.


Lord Buckethead >>>>>>>>>>> Vermin Supreme


I think so too - the post-election thread is a post-mortem. What went wrong, what went right.

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What exactly do you think Biden & Harris do on January 21st in your scenario? What do you think Dem governors do? Like, we’re not talking abou the Supreme Court dumping 4 states here, right? We’re just talking about the Fuck You, no defense? Then you have two presidents giving orders and each claiming power. You think the US is somehow immune to a complete breakdown and civil war at that point? Compare and contrast that to other times in history when something similar has happened.

Edit: I do not think this scenario is happening.

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How could elections ever have any meaning or be taken seriously again if Trump is in office Jan 21? It’s 100% over for US democracy and Trump is dictator for life if that happens. He’d “run” again in 2024 or cancel elections and nobody could ever stop him.

It’s GG America and descend into total chaos if Trump does a coup and that’s bad for a lot of people who pull the strings and currently support Trump


