2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Like Trump, the issue isn’t so much what he is but what another version of him could be. I feel fine, but I am sure as hell glad PA isn’t the only state he needs. He’s exposed fundamental flaws in our democracy and society.



The GA election was odd in that it was easily the best-run election we’ve had here in years. Our voter suppression has been focused on purging voter rolls, decreasing the number of polling places (and thus making lines really long on election day), and not supporting voting locations with proper staffing, equipment, and supplies in areas with primarily POC.

On election day, though, things were pretty cool here. Didn’t hear of many issues at polling places. And the SOS has actually made it pretty damn easily to vote absentee (though I don’t like that mail-in ballots must be received by election day). Ballot applications can be submitted online or a paper form can be requested to be mailed or printed at home. Applications and ballots can be tracked online. Drop boxes are available.

In the primaries, the SOS even sent everybody an absentee ballot application no matter what. Trump got on him for that. Of course, there were massive lines this summer.

The current SOS is much better than Kemp was, though there are still voter suppression issues. I assume they will get worse after this election.


I suspect some of the calls for the SoS’s resignation are just related generally to how he unnecessarily made it easier for people to vote.


Oh yeah, certainly. I seem to remember Trump getting all pissed at the SOS and Kemp for mass-mailing absentee ballot applications for the primaries.

From what I can tell the last few days lots of normies have been invited and are joining. It has been a hot topic of discussion.

Apart from increasing the odds of right-wing terrorism, the move to Parler is definitely a good thing. Parler is never going to matter, and eliminating normal people’s exposure to their terrible memes and fake news should help.


I dunno about that. From what I have seen on FB the true deplorables often times get shouted down. Which makes those points of view unattractive to normies. On Parler I assume it is just a wall to wall shit fest with zero pushback.

In short my fear is it will radicalize more people than Facebook. Mostly because any normies left already weren’t radicalized by it. As was already said people suffer from FOMO and many non crazy people are ending up with accounts there right now. Even if a tiny amount of people are ultimately sucked in that is a really really bad outcome.

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Lots of computer voting with very easily hacked systems and no paper trail. There’s a radio/podcast/blogger guy (the Bradcast - Brad Friedman) who has been talking about mainly this for like 17 years.

Mail-in voting leaves a paper trail. Big improvement.


I guess my fear about Parler is that people are hearing about it now and not just too-far-gone deplorables. My wife heard about it. Thus, I worry that lots of people will take a look out of curiosity and then start going down the rabbit hole.

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Ok, but what kind of nut do you have to be to hear about it and think… “yeah I’m totally sick of my posts getting censored by Facebook”.

On the one hand we’re saying the $70K truck MAGA dudes are never participating in armed insurrection because they like their stuff to much, but at the same time your average Democratic voter is going to give up their Prius and Netflix to burn down the cities? I don’t think that’s likely, especially since it won’t be done in one fell swoop, it’ll be done little bit by little bit.

But as others have said, the long-term damage that’s being done, and how this whole episode is going to impact the future, is depressing as hell.


The governor of South Dakota


This is worth a watch. It doesn’t address the theory that the President of the Senate (i.e., Mike Pence) could steal the election. But it does discuss how Trump’s lawsuits could have long term effects in favor of Republicans even if they don’t overturn this election.

Fuck you, no

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Gab has been a thing for a while now and it hasn’t gone mainstream, idk why anyone thinks Parler will be any different. To say nothing of 4chan.

What I worry about are the 14-year olds who sign on because they want to be edgy shits and wind up in an ecosystem of normalized alt-right garbage.


Oh you sweet summer child.

My BIL’s aunt is on Parler now spamming a bunch of racist shit. Apparently Facebook is only for her to share baby pictures now since she lost a ton of friends.

Well maybe not JUST baby pictures. Her most recent post was a meme that’s a picture of all the prominent dem pols + McCain captioned “Proof you don’t have to fly a plane into a building to ruin America.”

I love how these people want to play in racist fantasy land but then turn around and cry when they get called out for it.

dEmS aRe sO dAnGeRoUs!