2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Yes, which is why some of us are shook. Not even Trump staying in, just what comes after with 95% of the 70 million Trump voters thinking an election was actually stolen, and what that allows super corrupt Republican officials to do and get away with to take power.

Sure but if Rs win back the Governorship in WI/MI/PA itā€™s all over and you know damn well Republicans are going to pour resources and effort into that and looking at how incompetent the DNC leadership has been I doubt they will match it, nor will voters be made to realize how important it is.

Once they have those, those states will be a lock for Republicans.



Deplorable adjacents who donā€™t want to feel left out because their friends/family have signed up.

iow exactly the same reasons people signed up to FB originally - fear of being left out + paranoia


And more deadly.



Stern letter. The ultimate political weapon.

If youā€™re still at all worried about the court listen to the most recent 5-4 podcast. Basically no chance. These are guys who been beating the drum more than anyone we would get a bush v gore 2 electric boogaloo and were terrified they were going to steal it. Like nobody is more down the supreme court and how political they are than these guys.

Though they seem scared of the future, but they recorded it Sunday when Monday is when shit really got scary and kinda woke most up

Iā€™m not all sunshine and rainbows here, but Iā€™d point out that Biden also won Georgia and Arizona. Georgia at least is controlled by republicans at all levels.


As someone mentioned before GA allowed you to registered and receive a mail in ballot with like two clicks online.

The voter suppression going forward will be more insane than anyone here can even think of and we canā€™t do shit about it. Like mail in ballots in GA will likely be banned by 2022.

This voter fraud shit will be the excuse for more disenfranchisement than since before the voting rights act. I was bullish on GA becoming purple before this, but now I highly, highly doubt it until we can control all three branches and get a new voting rights act.

Anyone for an actual election update:

Bidenā€™s lead in Georgia is now up to 12,337.


A sly approach by the GOP would be to take one of the states that doesnā€™t matter to court, overturn it with the Supreme Court based on bullshit (avoiding riots since it doesnā€™t change the outcome), and use that precedent to legally undermine some aspect of elections forever.




Maybe someone hacked her twitter account?


Who is that?

I mean, sometimes otherwise smart people here wrong facts and then repeat them.

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But i am aware of how wrong I have been in the past and do by best to verify any info I get even if from a trusted source. And I dont have my own prime time TV show either


Just in case anyone thought I thought her twitter might actually have been hacked.


Not interested in the larger argument that happened here, but this part is a lot less true than you might want to believe. The systems and equipment used in many states are proprietary black boxes with little oversight or accountability.

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