2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON


Hate it when Dems elect a far-left socialist President who is also an unquestioning servant of the capital class.


But that would be a dangerous game for republicans since it would galvanize their opposition like nothing else.

In what way? Any election republicans lose will be deemed fraudulent.

With calmness from me once again. Totally standard!

Freak out about 2022 and 2024, but more importantly do stuff to prevent bad outcomes. We bought time, but we are still a nation in crisis.

The GOP candidate for Governor in Washington is refusing to concede. Obviously he lost by a mile because, you know, Washington.

During Culp’s election night speech, the candidate questioned how a solid majority could have voted to uphold Referendum 90, on mandatory comprehensive sexual education in public schools.

Culp said those results gave him pause.

”We’re seeing some irregularities,” Culp said. “Some things that make you go, ‘Really?’”

Yeah definitely a puzzler how such a thing could pass in checks notes one of the top five most liberal states in the country.

Updated results on Wednesday showed Culp and that referendum both continuing to trail by large differences.

During a Facebook Live address to his supporters Wednesday, Culp again refused to concede, and continued to claim that there were issues with the “tabulation.”

“Every vote is going to be counted. We’re digging into the numbers,” said Culp, “Because something smells fishy… Imagine that.”

The Sec State overseeing the election is a goddamn Republican.

I mean if republicans are successful with keeping their king we might see those ten million person marches on Washington and more unrest than this country has ever seen since the civil war.

Power is what people like Mitch want and they stand more of a chance of losing the power they already have if trump does not go.








Yep, I’m the fuck freaked out about 2022 and 2024

I don’t know if I have done a bad poker analogy before. But GOP currently has AA. Going all in on Trump right now is shoving AA UTG. They have 2022 and 2024 to slow play just a little.

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that account is obv a gimmick

Parody account. He also did a Georgia (country vs state) one…

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I like this one.



Everyone on twitter these days is either intensely political and partisan, or doing their own thing avoiding politics. I don’t think there are too many apolitical people getting sucked in by friends - unlike FB.

Lol at Trump giving away money. 95% of donations will go to “adminstrative fees” and employing the otherwise unemployable Trump kids and todies. Ain’t no one gonna hire Stephen Miller, not even Heritage or Breitbart.

I don’t worry about Parler at all. Facebook is/was? a massive thread luring in all kinds of people who then go down into their rabbit holes. Deplorables going to Parler just made that rabbit hole a lot smaller on Facebook. Social media is fragmenting and mostly based on age which is a positive thing as well. Olds are on Facebook and kids are on TikTok and neither is infuencing the other. Facebook is such a threat because for a time it was the only social media people used.

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Every generation is smarter than the previous one.



Now we know why they were so confident of a Trump landslide.

They thought polls were fake, and they weren’t wrong, but they judged who would win based off enthusiasm + crowd size. Honestly even as Bernie supporter I was always super sus of this method as having a small amount of super enthusiastic supporters doesn’t mean shit, but Bernie basically proved it.

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And the Bernie Bros are significantly saner than Trump supporters, so take your disaffected Sanders voter who can’t let go of the primaries and think Bernie was robbed of the nomination (Hi, Victor!) and imagine a lot more of them, acting dumber and crazier, who are way more likely to have guns and a desire to use them. That’s what we’re going to have to deal with.

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