2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

After a search, the Rs will control redistricting for 181 House seats, compared to 210 after 2010. 10 states have bipartisan commissions, which is pretty new.


Just your standard group freakout.


Republicans: “Count every legal vote”

Election Officials: “Ok, we recounted them and the result is the same.”

Republicans: ??


Sorry all, this entire thing was fun until today. But seeing half the country descend even further into crazy town really started freaking me out.


Rinse repeat

Until the clock runs out?

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You mean like until they destroy America?

You can maybe take some small comfort that I wasn’t really afraid of the hivemind until they lost their cohesion and were acting confused and angry. When they’re being pushed a message/narrative to latch onto, they’ll do as told. This is what we’re seeing now. They’re back to just parroting what they see on the tv. When they’re like that they’re (mostly) harmless.

We don’t need to be afraid until those media voices start telling them to lynch us, which won’t happen. When we really need to be afraid is when the hivemind finally breaks free of the hold these outlets have on them and start acting on their darker impulses on their own accord.


Are you trying to make me feel better? Because it’s not working.

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I am not as worried as many of you, at least in the short term, but one big thing that is very concerning to me is that it seems like lots of people in this country have discovered Parler in the last few days. One of my FB friends said he culled like 20 people from his friends list because they joined Parler; he himself didn’t know what it was and joined just to see what people were talking about. He deleted his account a few minutes later (he’s the rare person who grew up a southern redneck in a very Christian household who grew up to be a liberal - he says he’s independent, but he’s at least a moderate lib).

Even my wife, who is pretty oblivious to anything on the internet that’s not FB or Words With Friends, heard about Parler this weekend.

There are going to be millions of people descending down the abyss.

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Deleted his Facebook account in exchange for Parlor?

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I guess I don’t want to know what the fuck Parler is. Sounds like AIDS but maybe slightly less fun.

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Well when they’re told what to think/believe you can be reasonably certain that they’re not going to be told anything that causes massive societal upheaval like war, because the people who own the media have a vested interest in that not happening. That’s all I’m really saying. I have a pretty dire view on how this is gonna go and in the state of the country in general, but from what I’m seeing, in my own view, I am not all that worried about what trumpers as a whole will do.

I am, however, a little worried at the lone shooters scenario i described earlier. I know a guy that fits the profile, and the things he is posting right now are… concerning. This event will snap a lot of people who were already on the brink.

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Btw, this is why almost all Rs still refuse to cross Trump:

Somewhat comforting since it does presume he is actually going to leave office.

No, sorry if that wasn’t clear. Deleted Parler.

He said he got angry voicemails from one FB friend he deleted (I guess you can send voice messages on FB). Then she did a live stream video on FB complaining about him, so he recorded it at posted it on YouTube.

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Wtf? These people are insane.

Got it, don’t know if it’s the worst thing for the RWNJs to all go to Parlor. At least they won’t be flooding their apolitical friends with their propaganda there.

Most of the republicans are just going along and placating the Dear Leader who still has power to control his flock and sink them.

This might be the best possible outcome for the republican powers that be. They get to control congress, not have to answer questions about their mad king all the time and get to use a stymied “illegitimate” Biden as a foe for future elections.

We are fucked long run but trump is not going to be doing it. Unless our messed up courts prove me wrong. But that would be a dangerous game for republicans since it would galvanize their opposition like nothing else.

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I have at least 3 deplorable friends who are spreading the word about Parler in the last day or 2

I’m kinda worried what can happen if all those forces combine