2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

You guys have been asking jbro for a triggering event. The only one I can even game out is something like:

-Covid goes completely insane the next couple months.
-Blue states, backed by Biden’s blessing, put harsh lockdowns in place.
-Armed MAGA chuds do something really bad and maybe some are killed
-Trump uses the chaos to install himself as dictator somehow.

I think the odds of that are very very very small but I do think the general public, yet again, does not understand what is coming wrt Covid. That has a chance to really throw gasoline on this situation and further divide the Dirty Dems and the True Patriot MAGA Cult.

If Trump is president on Jan 21, you can basically guarantee that every store in America will be looted and the country will be on fire. You can’t tell people to wait until the next election when you just stole this one by overturning elections in three different states. It won’t be long before the public has figured out the home addresses of public officials/judges and their houses are on fire or worse. This would have to coincide with a huge bloody crackdown/hundreds of people murdered in the streets.

And this would all be so that Donald Trump can remain president?


I’m much more in the FUCK YOUR NORMS line of thinking for how it happens, with the MAGA tards coming into play later in the process.

I guess one way of expressing my level of blackpilling is, let’s say someone offered me a deal where Trump got another four years, but there was a guarantee both that democracy would survive and that the drift into insanity of the GOP would reverse itself somewhat, like let’s say it goes back to being the GOP circa 2008. I would think hard about taking that deal. Of course I’m specifying there that democracy survives etc which is removing one of the major concerns with having Trump back in. My point is, I think there’s a very good chance of worse things coming down the pipe than another four years of a Cheeto-infested White House.


So the Munich plan basically?

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Exactly. Not to mention the actual power structure of the GOP got a flawless victory this election. They exceeded expectations everywhere and got rid of the Mad King. They also have a 6-3 Supreme Court and the Dems (even if they were willing to) have no ability to do anything about it.

No chance they throw that away for Dumb Donnie.

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I think this is basically a coin flip where people could make good arguments either way. Hawley or Cotton or whomever could easily win in 2024. They would be infinitely more competent than Trump. But I’m not sure that makes them worse. Trump is so unique and has been so terrible for the world in ways no one else can replicate.

People aren’t waiting for days for rallies for any other GOP politician, be it don Jr or Tom Cotton.

Ben Garrison isn’t drawing alpha porn about Don Jr.

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At this point the GOP is basically the creepy guy throwing sexual advances at a hot girl at a party. If she acts weird it’s a “joke” but if there’s no pushback they’re going for it.

Likewise, they’re going to float these trial balloons out there and if the shit sticks they’ll gladly take another 4 years of Trump over Biden. However, they won’t be pushing it if they meet any true resistance.


What is it exactly that they will be doing? What is the process to overturn three states going to look like? Trump will just refuse to leave the white house?

Like, Trump not accepting defeat but leaving but still tweeting this same shit every day won’t end well. But he will 100% be banned from Twitter eventually and that will be a truly fucking hilarious day but also the worst day in online discourse history.

Trump’s probably not president in February, but this country still needs to get its shit together ASAP. We just generated massive voting turnout against a generational monster of a president, and barely outnumbered GOP fuckheads voting against their best interests in fear of an imaginary socialist caricature of Joe Biden - a guy who was basically tailor-made to appear non-threatening.

The GOP media arm can apparently turn out 71million+ voters to defend a psychadelic, self-immolating non-reality. If their next candidate is even slightly less monstrous than Trump then we’ll have a hard time matching their delusional enthusiasm.

Being grounded in actual reality sucks balls. Maybe I’ll take up ayahuasca and start mainlining ONN so I can just choose my own adventure.


There is no way Trump is still president of the USA after the 21st of January. Its is either president Biden or supreme leader Trump of shitty red states and president Biden of the blue states. None of the blue states will accept a Trump presidency and they actually control both the money and the military if it would come to that.

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Let’s not forget that world class lawyers would have a very hard time crafting anything resembling an even mediocre legal argument given the facts and the law. Add in the fact that Trump has Rudy, a pozzed up non-lawyer and a bunch of nameless hacks and the court path is provably more unlikely than Trump just nuking some blue states and declaring himself Emporer.

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Semi hot take: the largest/worst influence on the election in 2020 was facebook. Its where most people got their views. It only banned Qanon groups, which had millions of members, like a month ago. I do not think Facebook will be as influential in 4 years.

Now, it might get replaced by something even more grotesque, but its influence has peaked imo.


Damn, thank god I’m in a blue state now.


It probably hasn’t peaked unfortunately. Way too good at mind control.

Is there somewhere to track Trump’s lawsuits?




wtf there were like 300 posts in the last 2 hours i thought something actually happened.

This country is pretty fucked, but worrying about Biden not being the president on Jan 20 is just weird at this point. Lindsey isn’t risking anything by saying ‘count all votes’ are something meaningless.