2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Lol, yeah, Manchin is toast in 2024. If he doesn’t retire.

The part you bolded is 12A which is an entire rabbit hole itself into fear porn. In 1960, Hawaii was flipped with a recount and they sent two certificates. Nixon got to decide which one counted.

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I think Trump advocating for Dems to control both Houses and the Presidency would be a bridge too far even for the cultists, so I think Mitch would call his bluff. I also don’t think Trump is courageous enough to fuck around and find out. He would have a bipartisan vengeance effort descending on him.

Only because the Governor had signed both.

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Are they really going to burn the entire country down just so Trump can be president again when they have 6-3 on supreme court and control the senate? Not buying it. If Trump was competent enough to pull that off, he wouldn’t be in the position he is now. He wouldn’t have announced what he was going to do before he did it. He would have given out bigger stimulus payments. His lawyer wouldn’t be Rudy Giuliani and he wouldn’t be holding press conferences in landscaping parking lots.

But yeah, long term we are completely fucked.


My 6 year old niece is making a trap to get Trump out of the white house. She’s bribing him with food.

Smart kid.


In the event of Senate fuckery with the envelope or what not:

Presidential Term and Succession, Assembly of Congress

Passed by Congress March 2, 1932. Ratified January 23, 1933. The 20th Amendment changed a portion of Article I, Section 4, and a portion of the 12th Amendment

Section 1

The terms of the President and the Vice President shall end at noon on the 20th day of January, and the terms of Senators and Representatives at noon on the 3d day of January, of the years in which such terms would have ended if this article had not been ratified; and the terms of their successors shall then begin.

They don’t have to burn anything down. They can just keep pushing a little bit and see that nobody does anything and then push some more. That’s how we got here.


But Trump being President on Jan 20th isn’t a “little push.” Its gotten people invaded in the past. It invalidates a democracy, your constitution and you’re no longer a functioning state at that point.

Grunching but I am seeing lots of people who basically never showed their ass on politics before talking openly about going to parler and OAN/Newsmax. A lot of people are in the process of being radicalized. Millions. The results of that will be catastrophic and outlive Trump by decades. And I’m not talking about the MAGA gear crowd I am talking about whatever was left of the normie right wingers.

After all who could tell if the election is rigged, both sides plus everyone knows the dirty dems are a bunch of baby killing pedo commies so fuck them.


Over half the military and id guess 75% of the higher ups hate trump. There is no civil war without them splitting and dont see that happening if the courts go with Biden.

It’s 100% of the higher ups. Remember the rule of Donald, which states that no one who spends more than half an hour with Donald trump doesn’t dislike him, and this rapidly progresses toward hatred.

Then it’ll be President Pelosi, no VP, and Chuck Grassley as president pro tempore becomes temporary President of the Senate. Assuming he won’t open it, Pelosi stays president. Assuming they won’t confirm a VP, there will be no VP. Seems pretty clear the Dems would go scorched earth in such a scenario, so you could expect some lively executive orders from Pelosi.

I don’t think that’s a road the GOP wants to go down.

I’m not at all convinced of this.

He’s like the Susan Collins of West Virginia, don’t write him off.


I would not go that far but im being generous with my 25% are for trump.

He withheld aid from a vulnerable ally in exchange for dirt on a political opponent and a guy named Mittens is the only one who blinked. He doesn’t even have to be president on Jan 20th for this brinkmanship to be a disaster. Merely being replaced on a “technicality” of the clock running out is going to cement this fairy tale with deplorables that he was railroaded and Joe Biden is an illegitimate president. That will be the every day narrative for four years.


There isn’t going to be a coup for Donald fucking Trump. What is going to happen is that this will normalize the Dems are election fraudsters and then inevitably when the GOP is caught actually rigging the vote going forward (if they aren’t already) they can play the both sides card. It’s only fair after all. It’s what I’ve been bleating all day. Seeing the entire right wing media empire slip into varying degrees of democracy eroding behavior is fucking really bad. Seeing almost half the population fall in line and all repeating it like they are at a David Koresh sing along is the horrifying part.

I’m glad Trump lost but the ramifications of what is happening right now are really bad. Maybe this cake was already baked pre-election but I am seeing behavior out of people I have never seen before. Seemingly normal people posting about Biden being the antichrist, widespread exodus from FB to lolParler, a huge segment of people leaving Fox News which was already horrible for essentially infowars, etc. And literally none of any of it is based in a shred of reality.


they have to redistrict the house and dems won’t gerrymander, you know they will.

Didn’t the Dems lose something like 5 state houses? The gerrymandering is only going to be worse this next decade.

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Yep. Like I don’t think anyone here saying there’s no chance of Trump staying in power is implying that things are going to be roses after that. The US is on track for minoritarian rule by an insane cult. Right now is I think the most blackpilled I have ever been about the future of America. But Trump is still not going to be at the helm on Jan 21.


Their states are already gerrymandered really bad, maybe they can improve them though. I think the realignment of the last few years cost them a lot of seats in the suburbs of blue states, though. I think we should be able to hold those. I haven’t broken it down specifically, though.