2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

There is no way Mitch and the goobers blow up the country to save Florida Man. Money controls politics - thwarting democracy for Trump is going to break the system.

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Was that dipshit who killed protesters in Wisconsin from a poor family or no?

Not sure wealth matters when you’re brainwashed.

Pretty sure they were funded by bin Laden.

I’m not saying nothing will happen. There will be a handful here and there. Like those guys that wanted to kidnap that governor. But for most of them, bitching about libtards is about the worst they will do.

I’m counting on the virus to end this election fuckery. Going to get real real bad in rural America just about everywhere. Maybe it won’t change hearts and minds but it will keep these assholes pretty damn busy in December.

Jesus we have 800 overseas military bases? What the fuck and why?


Bad shit absolutely can and will happen, please don’t misunderstand my posts for arguing that point. We are headed for dark days. But those days do not involve Trump in office on January 21, 2021.


I get the existential dread, believe me. But, if you think that Trump controls all levers of power in the government, has control over the courts such that they no longer need to follow the law, and controls all of the guns and the military no matter what, well, ship it I guess. He wouldn’t have had to bother with an election tbh.

But in reality, the votes were legally cast and counted. They still exist, they didn’t just burn them all when they counted them. They got scanned and digitally counted and there’s audit trails of all that stuff, this isn’t our first rodeo.

They counted them once, they’ll do it again in a few states, and the result will be the same.

While he can tweet whatever the heck he wants for now, at a very finite point it is no longer just words and he begins to commit very serious crimes with fun consequences like execution. Nobody is getting themselves executed for a reality TV host.


To remind everyone that if we wanted them dead they would be probably.

Lol Dems forever.


The President of the Senate is that little white haired religious dude from Indiana.

eta: I think you deleted some stuff from that post.

What are we even arguing Mitch has the power to do in this spot again?

Of course they were funded by bin Laden. The point was, many (most?) were middle to upper class people that sacrificed their lives for their cause. Which I’ve heard is not possible if you own a $40k truck with a rifle rack in the window.

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There are going to be lots of right wing terrorist attacks over the next ten years. They can’t stop the inauguration of joe biden though. If they square off with the military it’s not going to last very long after they make contact. Those professional killers will take zero casualties and those rednecks will be challenging the idea that it’s impossible to be more dead than dead. They’ll be extremely dead.

Don’t ever play paintball with people who were any kind of combat arms, it’s not fair at all. Four of them vs every other employee at a car dealership with like a hundred people. It was a massacre. They move and shoot at the same time in a coordinated way that takes a ton of practice to pull off outside a video game. We got like one of them with a spray paintball before they knocked enough of us out that it was effectively over.

We did that round as a joke because when there were two of them per side they were just raping and pillaging so the obvious fun question was what would happen if it was just them without the human shields. Welp.

When the marine corps fights the rednecks they won’t be outnumbered and they won’t be retired grunts. It won’t be a real fight at all.

You cannot believe how big the effectiveness gap between a professional soldier and some dude who hunts deer every season is until you see it in real life. I’m not doing it justice. It’s completely insane.


Sure, but the lives of German people didn’t materially greatly improve immediately after either.

Yup, the closest they came to pulling that off was four dumb fucks in rural Virginia loading up their AR-15s into a hummer with a huge American flag, a QAnon decal and a snorkel and driving to Center City Philadelphia hoping to go unnoticed before they shot up the Convention Center.

Philly PD foiled that elaborate plot, someone trolled the Hummer with a printed out Gritty meme, and we were good to go. If someone more intelligent and organized had tried, we would have been in some trouble. Had Barr moved on mail-in ballots before the election, we would have been in some trouble. If Trump had tried to instigate violence quicker, we would have been in some trouble.

Fortunately, the opponents we’re dealing with schedule press conferences at Four Seasons Total Landscaping. They’re not going to pull this off.


Daniel Negreanu would love it!


Oh great, have to look forward to Rs doing this times infinity w/ many Senators signing whatever objection was requested and “btw Ds did it first to GWB so shut up libtards!”

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I want to buy every single piece of ANTIFA Gritty and Four Seasons Total Landscaping merchandise available on Etsy but won’t feel comfortable doing so until Biden is inaugurated and in the WH.

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Refuse to have the Senate certify the election results was what immediately came to mind.

I never thought I would see the day when r/conservative would pull a heel turn on Fox News. They are ready to burn the place down.