2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

You been to Whole Foods recently?




thanx i’ll be here all week

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This probably won’t stop anything, but

By federal statute the electors for each state are required to cast their votes in mid-December, after which the votes are sealed and sent to the president of the U.S. Senate. Though the public votes for the party as a whole, the electors cast individual votes on separate ballots for president and vice president. This has become important in several elections in which electors voted for candidates other than those to whom they were pledged.

On January 6th, following the presidential election year, the president of the U.S. Senate opens all of the sealed envelopes containing the electoral votes and reads them aloud. To be elected as president or vice president, a candidate must have an absolute majority (50%, plus one vote) of the electoral votes for that position.

that envelope is getting Merrick Garlanded.

Well then, no concern at all. Whipping up 50% of the country (who are already completely unhinged from reality and own 16.4 automatic weapons per person and more rounds than most small countries) into a frenzy about stolen elections based on absolute fantasy will never lead to bad shit happening. My bad for being a negative Nancy here.


What does Mitch do when Trump tells him that “feigning the coup” is no longer enough for him and he is going to shoot the hostage (meaning anti-endorse every Senate R) if he doesn’t go full hog.

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California, NY, Washington, Oregon, NJ, Connecticut, possibly Nevada & New Mexico. Basically anywhere where the dems control all three branches. What do you think politicians like AOC+4 do? What do you think even mainstream democratic leaders like Andrew Cuomo do? It’s not happening. It’s literally unthinkable.


No one is saying bad shit won’t happen. But there is absolutely no scenario where Trump goes “I’m still president fuck you” and democratic states/senators/congressman/unions/governors are like “ok!”


It doesn’t matter what the price of a loaf of bread actually is if you can make people believe that the price is a trillion dollars. The gameplan of winning over voters through competent governance breaks down when an entire bloc of voters arein the thrall of OANN and the Sean Hannity Alternate Reality universe. The unmooring of politics from objective reality is going to take us to some very dark places.


Nobody is saying WA not AF, just that WAAF in a different way.


That’s the other thing. There’s a republican Senate. This is the best possible outcome for the republican donor base. The absolute best. Trump’s tax cuts are going nowhere. None of the democratic stuff is getting through. They get the stability of a President Biden with all of Trump’s economic legislation locked into law. The vaccine wasn’t the only reason the stock markets jumped up 5 percent today.


lol Just add actually losing an election to the list of things that don’t matter.



This just isn’t true. There is a very real difference between someone worth 6 figures driving an F150 consuming Fox News and being mad at liberals and someone whose money is worthless because of inflation and instability being angry.


The stock markets were barely up at the end of the day after all of this nonsense.

Yeah the Treaty of Versaille fucked Germany and their economy was in fucking shambles in the 30’s, worse than most other first world nations. We’re being fucked by the pandemic right now but our economy is not 1930’s levels. We don’t need a wheelbarrow full of money to buy bread.

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It’s been pointed out numerous times but no one with guns is doing anything until their lives are directly impacted in a negative way. A Proud Boy with a family, house, and job is not throwing all that away over Biden winning. He’s just not.


I don’t agree with this. Material conditions do matter. Obv not enough for people not to vote for the reality TV guy, but comfortable people aren’t going to risk their lives for their cosplay.


I thought that notion was tossed after 9/11 when many of the suicide terrorists were found to be from middle and upper class families? (Maybe my history is bad again.)

On election night when Trump gave his crazy speech about winning not even Mike fucking Pence parroted it. I don’t rely on McConnell to do the right thing. I do rely on him to not do the thing that causes him to potentially violently lose power.

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Hyperinflation ended 8 years before the German’s gave power to Hitler.

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