2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

China was shutting down it’s entire economy and I was screaming from the rooftops that that was evidence that COVID was really fucking bad and we were fucked.


Also I realize it doesn’t matter for EC purposes, but he got absolutely crushed in the popular vote. Minority rule under an electoral college win is one thing, the idea that people are going to just be cool with Trump Part 2 after he lost both the EC and got rocked by 7 mil in the popular vote is another.

I mean ultimately Republican elites are in a great position tbh. Control the Court, the Senate, they just won the right to redistrict the states and entrench their advantages further. I understand the base loves Trump but you try something like this and all of a sudden everything is on the table. That’s the last thing they want. There’s just no reason for them to do it other than his broken heart and that’s just not enough.


Seriously the military brass knows and likes Biden too. They’re not all going to have enough self control to keep it together at the first big briefing.

Nobody powerful is doing anything but looking forward to some peace and quiet. The military more than almost anyone.

Yeah, this is the rub. It’s not like Trump can somehow succeed in getting the courts to throw out the election results in 4 fucking states and then the 53 percent of the country who voted for Biden including the states where all the money lies are like “oh well, I guess we’ll try again in 2024.” That would be a country collapse. There would be legitimate secession attempts.

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And I was right there with you on that one, up until the nuclear war comment, which was overblown on the forum.

A military coup is way more likely than a trump coup in any scenario like that.

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California and New York are not states under a Trump government in 2021. Its as simple as that.


Well thanks for forcing me to double check that. I’m not sure why but I was pretty sure the German market was strong right into the Nazi takeover, but that appears to be wrong.

And again they’re going to be fine under Biden so there’s no reason to do anything of the sort. You guys wanna talk about how awful it is that we spend 6% of gdp if I remember correctly on the military I’ll join you with gusto, but the fact that there is absolutely nothing at all to sweat here was one the advantages of nominating an Intel committee dem.

So, you think a Trump coup in 2020 would play out in the same way as Hitler’s did? Really? That’s just not a comment a serious person does not laugh at.

The German markets when Hitler rose to power were very different from the American markets right now, as were the financial stability of the common person in each nation.

Comparing a $22 trillion dollar GDP nation with one that had massive hyper inflation is stupid. Be better.

Yeah, this is the biggest argument against. All the really dark timeline scenarios we gamed out on this forum involved Trump & Co. doing shit like a week ago. Doing shit before the mail in ballots could be counted showing that Biden won. Even Cuse gamed out shit involving destroying ballots, and then being like “oh well, guess we’ll never know.” Once that stuff didn’t happen, most of us knew we were going to be ok.


Yeah the best evidence against the military being super-trumpy are all the late arriving military ballots being counted increasing Biden’s lead.


I was just responding to a comment that “the markets” wouldn’t let it happen. But, fuck yourself.

I get where jbro is coming from though. Generally I feel super calm in a bad situation and lose my shit the second it’s actually over.

I really want to help you calm down @anon10387340. This doesn’t look like a good time from my end.

The Overton window keeps moving rightward. It skipped past Matt Drudge 9 months ago. I wouldn’t be shocked if it passes the Murdoch properties in the next month.

Correct. A $22 trillion dollar GDP nation will not destroy itself to keep Donald Fucking Trump President vs a country with massive poverty and hyper inflation.

Like, if a loaf of bread cost $1 trillion dollars in the USA like it did in Germany when Hitler rose to power I would be worried!


My one and only concern is that Mitch seems to be flying way too close to the sun here. Understand his plan is to get the base fired up for the GA election on Jan. 5 then step away from Trump. Trump probably is even saying that he is fine with that RIGHT NOW because all he thinks about is how to make it to the next day with his ego unbruised.

But as this goes on and on Trump will probably come to believe his own bullshit more and more as everyone around him manufactures “evidence” to prove him right, and Trump is a lock to start threatening Mitch with anti-endorsements of Purdue and Loefler if the Senate certifies the Presidential election or whatever. What does Mitch do then? Um, definitely not the right thing, so what’s next?

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By the thinnest of margins, plus they still have the Senate and the Supreme Court in perpetuity. There’s not going to be a pandemic in 2024, the Q folks can easily fall behind another savior who’s more savvy than Trump. Kamala Harris isn’t going to bring progressives to the table and the DNC doesn’t give a fuck about winning over the Latino voters they missed this cycle. A Kamala vs. Ivanka matchup in 2024 is not one the Dems are going to win.


I mean this is the absolute least of what would happen if Trump tried to hang onto power through a coup. I’m in a union. The least of what would happen would be a nationwide general strike. There would be people in the streets to dwarf what happenned this summer. There would be mainstream democratic controlled legislatures passing articles of secession.


This is 100 percent about setting the Republicans up in January in Georgia, in 2022, and in 2024. It is not about keeping Trump in power.