2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

This stops when they get put in jail. Not until then.


60% of total service members voted for Biden. If you think the military is going to make the choice to end this nations democracy to keep trump in chargeā€¦ Yeah I get why youā€™re freaking out.

I also get being paranoid after the last four years.


Iā€™m pessimistic about it but if the supreme court do throw out the case the pleasure I will experience seeing the anti fox news takes move onto anti supreme court (leftist court etc) will be orgasmic. Of course the cultists will then openly embrace fascism (other systems are for leftists) and Iā€™ll be back to extreme pessimism.


Definitely didnā€™t have ā€œFox News has been left wing news for a long time,ā€ on my bingo card. These mouth breathers sure are a special kind of stupid that they can do a complete 180 in less than week.


Iā€™m down for a full audit of every mail-in vote in PA, MI, WI, AZ, GA, NV as long as theyā€™re down for a full audit of every voting machine in FL, GA, TX, and NC.


Yup Iā€™d take this trade too.

Even Fox News isnā€™t in lockstep with Trump right now. How can you not feel good about how this last week has gone? We knew Trump would try to invent a reality where heā€™s god king for life, but there is no appetite for this beyond the Qanon base.


Some time go look at the German markets leading up to and into Hitlerā€™s regime.

Yeah there would be a general strike and widespread protests. All those people dancing in the streets? Yeah, they ainā€™t working if Trump keeps power after losing. And they arenā€™t dancing, either.

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Thatā€™s the point, man. Continuing to take orders from Trump is the treason at that point. People know who won the election.

History major here, I slept through plenty of courses while grinding 5/10 PLO, but lol@you.


I think how they react GREATLY depends on what their leadership tells them to do. Do you not understand how the military power structure works?

I am 100% confident the NBA would strike if Trump wouldnā€™t step down. Very real chance the NFL/NHL join them. Strikes in Cali/Penn etc would also happen.

The NBA was talking about striking if Trump won legitimately.


I donā€™t think itā€™s a concern at this point. There have been no material actions taken by anyone to keep an illegitimate Trump in power.


The Qanon base is about to become half of the voting public.


Dude the military brass hates The Donald more than we do. Theyā€™re a bunch of institutionalized dudes who value tradition. Thatā€™s why they are conservatives generally. Donald is so not their kind of conservative. That global order heā€™s been trying to tear down is composed of their personal fiefdoms. Those Kurds he abandoned are people they literally served with in combat zones for years.

You arenā€™t seeing the world through their eyes.

Someone who actually served take over for me here. Iā€™m not doing this justice.


Not at all. It relies on my inability to construct a plausible scenario that leads to Trump maintaining power. I have yet to see that scenario laid out by anyone. Feel free to lay it out. Seriously.


The majority of them are disenfranchised now, not riled up. They thought the indictments/silent majority would win out, they havenā€™t.

Youā€™re right, though.


I will enforce a strike across the entire Commonwealth if the bad orange man wonā€™t step down. Then Iā€™ll teach him what a caravan of Philadelphians looks like. He doesnā€™t want that smoke.

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