2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

No dude. They have less than 1% of the firepower of this country and don’t forget it. This is a global empire with 800 overseas military bases and a military spend that defies imagination. They have semi auto ar 15s and think they are big and bad. We have tanks, paladin missile batteries, thousands of drones, hundreds of thousands of highly trained trigger pullers, and I’m leaving out about ten thousand ugly things we can use to murder armed people who want to get pushy.

They have no legal avenues and on inauguration day whatever nonsense they are pulling, which I’m sure will suck quite a lot, will stop more or less immediately.

I’m afraid that too much of your judgment in this matter relies on the power of institutions and norms.

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OK, giving OAN a few minutes to see what’s going on there. It’s honestly a similar production quality to my college TV news class.

Alright, my man here on OAN is going to break it all down for me nice and fair. Trump’s going to court, will it be enough?

Trump campaign telling people internally to stay calm and trust the process. They have yet to exhaust their legal remedies…

My anchor dude is going to break it down. Okay if we count em all, the Biden guy wins. But Trump says there are illegal votes. OAN has heard and confirmed a bunch of stories of illegal ballots and no poll observers. Opponents are making a ridiculous argument that there has been no widespread voter fraud. Opponents who are full of shit and hate Republicans, like… Utah Republican Mitt Romney.


LOL Laura Ingraham… knocking the selection of Ezekiel Emanual for the COVID task force… “The architect of Obamacare…DEATH PANELS AND ALL”

what was happening in jan 2020?

HA HA HA you think we own the military if this goes down??? Jesus christ dude, if I thought we owned the military I wouldn’t have a care in the world.


“Mitt Romney will never become president. That’s not in the prompter, I just wanted to say it.” He chuckles.

“Are we really okay with 70+ million Americans thinking our elections are flawed, or is that something that should be audited regardless of what you think?”

“The Trump campaign is crunching the numbers and as of right now, the math just isn’t adding up.”

Now they’re showing Steve Cortes at the white board doing math.

Cortes says CNN and Fox News are trash, we cannot take their word.

Smarmy frat bro anchor says of calling the election, “One American News says it’s too close to do that at this moment.”

“Any call at this moment would be premature.”

Says even dirty mean nasty fake CNN says Arizona is still in play for Trump! CHESSMATE LIBRULS!


My head hurts, I can’t do it any more.

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At that point, the US is a failed state that does not function. The markets crash. There is a constitutional crisis. Capital will not allow this.


I mean I think he does have a point, do those people who gave like a billion dollars to Mitch to hold on to the Senate actually want Trump to cling onto power? If given that kind of power and impunity, what would stop Trump from just daddy dicking all of them at that point?

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On what basis do you think that the military would side with a guy they really dislike who has no legal grounds to continue?

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Do you think the military is not going to respect the transfer or power if Trump tells them not to? Or that the transfer of power just won’t happen because the courts will ignore the laws?


It is amazing how quickly sheer lies become common knowledge through the Trumposphere. Just casually taking for granted that this election had widespread voter fraud with absolutely zero evidence beyond Trump losing. Scary stuff.


Don’t forget Biden has something like 1,000 lawyers. They aren’t stupid. They are prepared for shenanigans.


Yeah I’m really not seeing what actual power trump or barr have here. There’s a lot they can do now, but not about the election. The time to do that was a week ago.


On the grounds that:

  1. He appoints some scumbag to be in charge
  2. Nobody wants to defy orders and be charged with treason
  3. 75% of the “working class” military hate liberals

Like, how do you think the USA continues like it is right now with Trump still in power? You think the democratic states are just like “cool, no problem, we’ll try again in 4 years?”

The USA seeks to function as a country if Donald Trump is still in power on Jan. 20th. The markets crash. This isn’t happening when the alternative is just telling Trump to gtfo.


I think that’s an open question and very much dependent on who is in charge at that time.

Depends how it goes down. The military will honor the outcome of the election. How big of losers and suckers do you think they are?