2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

“A due process starts with voting, goes to counting, then goes to recounting, then goes potentially to court, then goes to a state legislature, then only generates electors, who then have to go to Congress. This is a very elaborate, deliberate process, by people who knew a lot about power, and who did not want exactly what the media tried to do the last four of five days, which is have a mob effect where we’re all supposed to roll over and pretend that there’s been a coronation and Biden has been crowned, which is just not true. Not a single state has been certified, there are likely going to be lawsuits in six different states. I think this is clearly going to be up in the air.”


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They’re going all the way with this, aren’t they?


I think it’s going to be a combination of whatever they can do to get traction somewhere, and then outright manipulation in some states like possibly GA. Along with a healthy dose of FUCK YOU, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Meanwhile putting complete stooges in charge of the armed services, CIA, and FBI. That along with owning the courts and some more FUCK YOU plus every one of their supporters being armed to the teeth should just about do it.


Isn’t the entire thing that in PA, Trump wants counting to stop on election night but in AZ he wants all voting to be counted? How is the SC gonna rule on cognitive dissonance?

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Yeah but he’s talking about hte late-arriving ballots, right? Who the fuck cares. We don’t need them. Honestly the late-arriving ballots somehow breaking hugely for Trump is the only chance Trump has (he doesn’t lol).

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What the fuck does it matter when half the country is completely detached from reality?


You’re really tempting fate there, buddy.



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Hannity, “Article II, Section I, Clause II, Constitution, each state appoint in such manner as the legislature thereof (Gingrich starts grinning) may direct electors, etc, let me ask you this. If the Supreme Court of America decides, their decision should be on the law and they decide the law was manufactured say in PA by a governor with the extension, or that the law wasn’t followed in a number of states because observers weren’t able to observe. I think that’s good for America, I just don’t know what the remedy is.”

Gingrich gives an example of some court overturning an election result because a dirty Democrat was bad and the Republican was put in and it was good. Music starts playing him out.

Hannity, “coming up next what the REAL speaker of the House, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, had to say…”

OK, I’m out, can’t take any more of this.


You’re out, but half of this retarded country is injecting this into their veins. And they currently own the power structure in much of the country, along with all the guns.

How can they keep running with the “They didnt let our electors in to watch” bullshit? They were laughed out of courts by a judge when they admitted they were openly lying about it.


Who cares what activist judges pushing the liberal agenda think?

I think they’re going to try to throw everything in Philly out because they claim observers weren’t allowed in, but they were… I mean obviously these legal arguments don’t matter. Every single claim is bullshit, everyone knows it. If the courts are that fucked up, then democracy will fall. If not, it’ll prevail.

Jbro has a point. Everyone watching the Fox News prime time lineup is being fed a very strong narrative about how the dirty Dems stole the election and Trump and his legal team are fighting for the American people to save it.

Yeah it’s concerning, but I don’t think the courts will stoop this low.

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I was one of the only ones in January who saw how fucked we were about to be. I’m telling you, this isn’t remotely the same. The same reason why it’s impossible to cheat in elections like this is the same reason this isn’t going to work. This system is way too decentralized and spread out for this strategy of theirs to work. He’s drawing to too many 1 outers that have to all fall perfectly.

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Trump is the one with the dirt which is why he is doing this ldo

The more hardcore cultists are on the internet ranting about how Fox are the lamestream media and in the tank for the Dems now. OANN and Newsmax are the next frontier. Read the comments here.


I live in Virginia. Before the election I talked to so many people , their only hope on getting unbiased news was Fox News. Now they are in shock . They think they have been betrayed. No words.

Also never forget that the Republican Party, is, always has been, and always will be, beholden to big money business interests. Getting to the point of actually being able to overturn an election and install Trump would be the ultimate catching of a tiger by the tail. I don’t see any universe in which Trump succeeds, but I also don’t see any universe in which Trump succeeds and the country doesn’t collapse. The real power behind the Republican Party doesn’t want that either.


Preemptive thoughts and prayers in case a Trumper decided to go lone wolf and shoot up the Fox newsroom.

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Excited to read a Greenwald take about how the liberal media are just as bad as conservative media because… I don’t know, I have no fucking idea how he could make that argument, but I’m sure he’ll think of something.