2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Even Barr is not really on board for this bullshit



This is the core problem for Trump and the ā€œcourts will save himā€ problem. If this entire election came down to Pennsylvania. Then maybe maybe the Supreme Court would find a way to toss it to him. But the courts need to toss the results in three different fucking states to tilt the election to him, at least one of which is going to be a completely red state controlled by republicans at every level. Itā€™s just too big of a lift.


Trump is probably hoping for a miracle comeback in AZ and ratfucking in PA - which would give him an EV tie.

Also remember that the people conducting these investigations at the investigative level are not the political appointees. Theyā€™re the civil servants. Thereā€™s a reason that none of the bullshit before the election went anywhere either.

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Mostly because I didnā€™t think he would get any traction. And that is what at first appeared to be happening. But now the entire machine is going along with it.

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literally came here to post this

no AUSA is going to torpedo his/her reputation over this nonsense

Iā€™m not shook about Biden taking office on time, but weā€™re in a house divided cannot stand territory. The end result of this will be that 95% of Rs will believe that Former Emperor Regeneron had this stolen from him.


Right. The only real fade, in my opinion, is that they do in fact find evidence of rampant cheating. Enough to throw enough states back towards trump. If the democrats were capable of cheating like that, we wouldnā€™t be where we are today.

If they did cheat like that, weā€™re still facing perhaps the stupidest and most incompetent group of people to ever run a government, and weā€™d probably still get away with it.

Now you could say ā€œwhat if barr manufactures evidence of widespread fraud.ā€

Possible, I guess, but I donā€™t like his chances.

There is never a strategy. Never. Heā€™s just flinging poo at the walls as always. Sleep well.


This has always been the issue.

These people are 99% either too comfortable to risk anything, too cowardly to do anything, or too stupid to even know where to start.

Organic uprisings happen when peopleā€™s lives are actually threatened. That isnā€™t the case here and they know it, despite all the dumb cosplaying.


You only need .01% of them to snap and go lone shooter to completely change how society operates.

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I could make a game theoretical argument that they donā€™t even need to ā€œsnapā€ and can reach a rational conclusion that stochastic terrorism maximizes their chances of winning.

Thereā€™s just not an ez way to manufacture evidence, itā€™s all locally controlled. If they were going to rig this they needed to do it before votes started being counted.

This is the most succinctly Iā€™ve seen it put:



I was about to say this, that the levers they probably need to pull this off would have had to have been pulled before the election, but I wasnt sure so I left it out.

Dude we were already there before covid.


Iā€™d like to see that argument.

At this point heā€™s got a better chance of resurrecting John McCain and convincing him to back the coup.



even with that still needs 6