2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Barr is investigating the election now. They really gonna try this. JFC.




I wanted to go 25/75 in these, so thatā€™s fine.

Itā€™s basically the, fuck you no mechanism.

Itā€™s astounding how little can actually be done about anything if somebody has no shame and refuses to follow conventions. Especially if half or more of the people in power in the US go along with it, and they use their media machine to whip up their supporters - who probably own 75% of the guns in the country.

I mean, are you people watching what is going on right now? I really hope Iā€™m just overreacting, but man this is 2020 so why not would we have the worst possible outcome?

Mass shootings by lone gunmen or coordinated mass shootings by multiple gunmen, especially on ā€œliberalā€ targets

Roaming militias causing violence skirmishing with police/natl guard


States seceding (sounds dramatic but thereā€™s def some governors crazy enough)

Widespread rioting

Really a million scenarios. All of which just take a little coordination. They have the means, the anger, and the will to do these things. If enough people take part, itā€™ll be a war. Not a conventional one, but think guerilla style counter insurgent type of war.

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Hereā€™s a fun one. The EC votes on Dec 14. But the Senate and House still have to vote to ratify the EC vote or whatever on Jan 6. Yet another 3+ weeks to sweat annoying Trumpā€™s annoying grifts.

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What are these guys with guns gonna do? Self organize in 4 different states and overthrow the governments? Storm the electors votes in multiple states simultaneously? Youā€™re gonna have to spell it out if this is a rational fear man.


A fucking coup is underway.


Like maybe shoot the people that are going to take to the street in protest when the coup that is currently underway becomes obvious to everybody?

Yeah a bunch of this would suck but isnā€™t enough. A putch takes coordination, where they going run it from, four seasons landscaping?



There probably does come a point here where Biden supporters need to take to the streets.

Iā€™d like to see what a militia skirmish with the police or national guard looks like.

nah theyā€™ve always had that ability. This seems, so far, to just be saying youā€™re doing something while doing nothing. So far that seems like what everyone seems to be doing. Itā€™s dangerous rhetoric in itself but I guess weā€™ll find out if they mean anything by it.

Guys, Iā€™m very pessimistic about the long term future of this country but you do not need to worry about Donald Trump retaining the presidency. The courts have roundly rejected him, he has absolutely no case whatsoever, the courts arenā€™t going to engage in a coup and his fat ass will be out of office in January, period.

What youā€™re seeing is his usual chaos routine. It has no legal meaning. Period, end of story.


Why would the militia skirmish with the police or NG when they are all on the side of the fascists? The militia will shoot some protestors, and then the police and the NG will show up, survey the situation, and shoot some more protestors.


In like, actual coups this rarely happens. Like it didnā€™t get like that in Venezuela, we think people who are making 6 figures are just going to start blasting people?

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Yes. I dunno why people are panicking, trump was always gonna try a coup if he lost. Even in my most WAAF I never believed our govt was so far gone that a sitting US president can challenge a fair election and win. I just donā€™t see it happening, I donā€™t see even the most conservative courts ever ruling in his favor here.

At worst he finds some evidence of light cheating and they do extensive recounts with oversight. Doesnā€™t matter, the result will be the same.

Like think of the path of events that has to happen for trump to retain a presidency right now. Theyā€™re basically impossible. At the worst itā€™ll come down to a SC decision, where even the most conservative court will rule ā€œlol of course you must abide by the results of an election.ā€

I thought we could be fading faithless electors throwing the election. But with bidenā€™s margin this is almost impossible to have happen as well.


He canā€™t. Like always, heā€™s just going to continue radicalizing his most fervent supporters because he is an evil and narcissistic grifting cult leader.