2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

As I wrote somewhere else, local republicans are not all aboard the lemmings off a cliff train.


Remember when Holiday Inn Meeting Room #32 was the most hilarious place to have a presser like that?


This is slightly off the mark I think. The core principle of fascism is that Will is superior to Intellect. It’s not exactly that stupidity is celebrated, rather the irrelevance and subjugation of intellectual effort to sheer resolve and power is celebrated. Trump himself is an expression of this.

A couple of Umberto Eco’s properties of Ur-Fascism, my bolding:

  1. “The Cult of Action for Action’s Sake”, which dictates that action is of value in itself, and should be taken without intellectual reflection. This, says Eco, is connected with anti-intellectualism and irrationalism, and often manifests in attacks on modern culture and science.
  2. “Disagreement Is Treason” – Fascism devalues intellectual discourse and critical reasoning as barriers to action, as well as out of fear that such analysis will expose the contradictions embodied in a syncretistic faith.

This gets to what I’m talking about. It’s not that stupidity is celebrated exactly, it’s that intellectual consideration of any kind is the enemy of just acting, of exercising one’s will without restraint. Intellectualism is bad insofar as it acts as a restraint.



So basically, rock out with your cock out? Well now this nonsense is starting to make sense to me.

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Think the four seasons landscape place is like dimaggios 56 game hitting streaks. Unlikely to ever be surpassed.


Election Update: Biden’s lead in Georgia up to 11,414.


Is Arizona safe at this point? The lead looks to be narrowing but I’ve lost track of what’s left to count.

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I think so. I think that last dump that shrunk the lead was everything that was left from the red counties. Everything else is like a smorgasbord of random ballots from Maricopa that is just as likely to be pro-biden as pro-trump. Shit like Braille Ballots and signature cures.




This is fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnne…


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Lots of redhats openly calling for civil war and violence today. My guess is one of OAN or the other white nationalist “news” orgs is trumpeting this now. Maybe fox? I doubt it though.

Garrison cartoons all show this, that’s why Trump is depicted as this ridiculous muscular figure, with like Deep State missiles bouncing off his skin as he strides through the swamp. He’s never outwitting his enemies. What is being depicted is the strength of Trump’s resolve. He’ll overcome adversity with sheer force of will.

Trump is, of course, a giant pussy, which makes this depiction hard to comprehend. But Trump in his daily life is a creature of pure ego and whim, completely unrestrained by intellectualism. That makes him a figure of strength and righteousness to the fascist mind.


Yup, we’re fucked. All the guys hoarding guns “to protect our freedummms” are going to help overthrow the legitimate government of the USA and install a baby child dictator racist scumbag. It’s basically 50:50 or worse right now.

The things I think about doing when I read this. Thankfully this isn’t Minority Report.


nervously laughs in all my neighbors have blue lives matter flags

I really hope I was wrong about civil war and really hope I was right about them embracing some kind of shared reality finally. One where trump lost (even if it wasn’t legitimate) and the next president is joe biden.

What I really think will happen is trump will try and fail to use all the levers to overthrow the us govt, and they’ll spin their wheels for four years trying to prove the election was illegitimate.

Like what’s the mechanism by which you think this is going to happen?

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I was just about to post the same thing.


they’re now arguing in court that Pennsylvania shouldn’t count and also they should pay them for that

Well Trump’s flavor of fascism, the only one I’ve ever experienced up close and personal, definitely favored knowing nothing and refusing to learn anything as core virtues.