2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON




It should have been held until after the election

That was the only comey type of moment that would have had me worried.

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Ah - 3rd bullet point, long after they used the term youth vote.


Iā€™ll be going through your book with an equally fine toothcomb once itā€™s published. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Most faithless electors, at least in modern elections, seem to be protest votes made with the freedom of knowing it doesnā€™t matter. Iā€™m suggesting that a Republican elector might decide to protest Trumpā€™s post-election misbehavior if itā€™s bad enough. Itā€™s more likely that they cast a vote for someone like Mitt Romney if they protest, but maybe they might be inspired to pad Bidenā€™s electoral vote total. Whether Democrats are sneaky or not have nothing to do with it.

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Yeah that might happen. Itā€™s unlikely but it might happen. One for Mitt Romney isnā€™t out of the question. Sold.

I freely admit I actively try to ignore the possibility of faithless electors because itā€™s very unlikely to ever matter and it pisses me off that itā€™s a thing.

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My worries, I hope, are just an emotional hedge against



:notes: I send e-mails to customer service, and now my e-mails theyā€™re a-sharingā€™

I tell ya, life ainā€™t easy for a boy named ā€œKarenā€ :musical_note:


Iā€™m sure weā€™re drawing live to some votes for Colin Powell anyway. That happens every election.

I canā€™t bring myself to use the term ā€œrigtardā€ (just like I always hated the term ā€œpolitardā€). Is there a different derisive nickname out there for people who claim online poker is rigged when they lose so I can make a bad poker analogy?

Rob Riggle

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Yep. I have a friend that is a teacher. She voted for Trump. I used her hatred of DeVos to get her to turn blue. Took 2 years but now she votes 100% blue. Is appalled at how the GOP ignores science. I didnā€™t even try to convince her. I just made comments here and there and over time she switched.


Hate works. Form a bond with people over shared hatred. If you form a good bond, sometimes they learn to hate other things that you hate.


This is it. The best way to get the poor whites to our side is to share a common enemy with them. Mitch McConnell is straight from central casting ffs. We need to run candidates who look and sound like them who have straight no chaser socialist policies.

I interact with a lot of truck drivers. They are, as a group, very much poor working class people who vote Republican. This is even true of the immigrants in trucking.

One consistent thing Iā€™ve noticed is that they always scream for government support when things are not going their way. They arenā€™t for capitalism they are against elites. Itā€™s the feeling that Dave Chappelle talked about on Saturday night about feeling unappreciated. These people suffer for a living so that we can have every physical comfort we have and we, as a society, treat them like garbage. To say they resent it is putting it mildly.

There is no political strategy that will work on these people that doesnā€™t weaponize that resentment. The entire working class is very aware that when the shit hit the fan they were essential and all the fancy people got to stay at home safe while they took the risks for less than a living wage. I suspect that the entire key to Trumps viability was that he did a really good job of appealing to these peopleā€™s extremely justified resentment.


Weird name for Alec Baldwin doc.

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JFC why did I randomly capitalize Tiger? THIS SUCKS

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How effective is a vaccine if only 60% of the population takes it?

Given the certain geographic polarization of that 60%, good chance youā€™re fine.

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