2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Sort of. It’s been the key of Republican politics since at least reagan. Pointing that resentment at marginalized groups that they share common economic interest with. Trump’s viability was the discovery that a scream is more effective than a dog whistle.


The first person Rudy Giuliani, the attorney for President Donald Trump, called up as a witness to baseless allegations of vote counting shenanigans in Philadelphia during a press conference last week is a sex offender who for years has been a perennial candidate in New Jersey.

“It’s such a shame. This is a democracy,” Daryl Brooks, who said he was a GOP poll watcher, said at the press conference, held at Four Seasons Total Landscaping in Northeast Philadelphia. “They did not allow us to see anything. Was it corrupt or not? But give us an opportunity as poll watchers to view all the documents — all of the ballots.”

Trenton political insiders watched with bemusement as Brooks took the podium.

Brooks was incarcerated in the 1990s on charges of sexual assault, lewdness and endangering the welfare of a minor for exposing himself to two girls ages 7 and 11, according to news accounts.

Brooks has run for various offices, including U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives.



If he wriggles his way out of losing the fucking presidenital election 306-232 in the electoral college and by like 5-8 million votes in the popular vote, well then, I just give up, there was never any stopping him. But that’s not going to happen. We got him. Just savor it. We finally got him.


The geographic distribution is going to be wild.

Can you preorder a Deluxe Collector’s Edition Vaccine, w/ no tracking chip, for $999.99 yet?

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If it’s actually 90% effective then I’m not sure it matters as much if the MAGA morons take it or not.

It still matters. The MMR vaccine is 95 percent effective after two doses and we still have outbreaks when enough dumbasses don’t take it that our vaccination rate falls below like 93 percent.

I still can’t get over how historic this victory is.


The difference is between a true pandemic/nationwide epidemics and local outbreaks.


Right but it doesn’t matter as much as if it was 60% effective.

Yes, you’re right. It only sucks if you’re immunosuppressed or really old. Which still sucks.

The fly is a nice touch. Lol


Just create an open for business branded vaccine and magaland will be protected.


Arizona continues to look locked up.


At first I thought that meant Trump netted 9 votes, which I knew was very bad for him. I guess +9 points is still not good enough.



Also that was from yesterday. No AZ dumps yet today.

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Fox and AP are unclenching as we speak.

Obv not for long term prospects, but for schadenfreude, I love that AZ and GA are so close. God, it must burn them up. Especially AZ where it kept looking like maybe, maybe. Hahaha, nope.

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Measles R0 is insane, it won’t take 95% immunity to crush covid. We will continue to have outbreaks of covid for sure, but just getting the elderly, healthcare workers, and people with co-morbidities vaccinated will massively reduce hospitalizations and deaths.