2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

The full fascist game plan is unbeatable in the GOP primaries (so expect it in full force from now on) and it’s extremely competitive in the general, so we can expect to see it again and again from now on. That’s what he means.

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Yeah, he’s not wrong. Not sure to what extent somebody can come from nowhere and do it though. For all his obvious incompetence, Trump is an especially adept manipulator, even at scale. Guys at his level don’t grow on trees any more than AOC’s do.

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I agree somewhat, but I’m really worried about the next one being someone like Mark Cuban, Joe Rogan, etc. There are plenty of smart people with resources who are also charismatic who I worry about having personality disorders.

Wishful thinking, but unless news desks are waiting for the recount, I think there’s a slight chance Georgia could be called today. Biden is up by 10,353 and it doesn’t really seem like there’s any way Trump closes that gap with the remaining provisional and military ballots.

But maybe it’s so close that nobody wants to color Georgia blue until counties officially certify the counts or something.

If “we won’t call it unless it is out of the margin for a potential recount” really became a thing this election, I will be surprised if they call GA right now.

Doubly surprising since Wisconsin is not outside the recount margin and they had no problem calling that. They’re clearly makin this up as they go along.


Pennsylvania Update: Biden’s lead has grown to 45,673


Right, I had just gone to double-check the WI numbers to say the same. Unless they would point to the fact that Trump supposedly dropped his recount request.

This is the real takeaway. I never thought I’d go full on fake news like Trump but the 24/7 cable networks figured out how to get me there for them, the NYT, and NPR. That’s another of my big takeaways from this that I’ve been chewing on for a few days.

They knew how to cover Trump all along and flipped the switch in the last week. We didn’t win back the Senate. We should all really let that sink in and accept that they would have made a lot of money if Trump had been reelected. I think they only flipped the switch so that they wouldn’t make a permanent enemy out of one of the political parties and/or be responsible for ending Democracy. That is so much less than the minimum they could do ethically I don’t quite know how to express it with anything but a long and diverse string of profanity.

I think we (progressives) should start calling them fake news to their faces like Trump did. Bernie went down that road a bit, but I’m pretty convinced we could go way further and it would help us win.

We defended them over and over again and they fucked us hard for four years. These are not our allies.


I am in the “worried that Florida Man’s criminal conspiracy will figure out a way to usurp the election results” camp. Whether it’s faithless electors or court rulings, BlotKis LFS is concerned.

But, I thought they’d just rig the initial results themselves, so I’m taking my worries with a grain of salt. But even if they fail to overturn the result, they will (or already do) have tens of millions of Americans convinced the results are not valid. It’s really hard to imagine the path forward for this country.


O/U on the % likelihood that Trump sees the vaccine/stock market news and believes it materially increases his chance to stay in office?

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more likely the nuts will claim news was held on this until after the election to screw Donald


“Will” implies it didn’t already immediately happen.



It would be nice if that article actually defined the age range they’re talking about.

There is zero possibility that faithless electors affect the outcome of this race. Electors are democratic party loyalists. Chosen just for that reason. Also, with 306 electoral votes, Trump would somehow need to flip 37 democratic party loyalists to flip the election to him, an election where he lost the popular vote bigly and the democrats hate him more than any other president in history. It’s just not something that can happen. Other things like the courts are nonzero I suppose (but still really really low), but faithless electors is zero.


I’ve been saying the increasing 18-39 voting rate since 2016 is the big sleeping Tiger. Really interested to see trends.


I wonder if we are drawing live to faithless electors switching from Trump to Biden because they disapprove of Trump continuing to contest the results.


He already thinks this so you’d be betting on a race that already happened. He’ll rotate to talking about how suppressing the news of a vaccine was part of the process of stealing the election from him when he realizes it doesn’t.

It’s less likely than the other way because Democrats aren’t that kind of sneaky. I think we both wish they were.

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It states 18-29.

Your dog avatar would have sniffed that out.