2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

I watched Tucker during the RNC and I’m still having nightmares. It’s horrific.

Also every minute they don’t announce the race this thread title is tilting me more.

More like 50-55 hours ago.

GA machines are now made by Dominion.

In 2010, Dominion Voting Systems purchased the primary assets of Diebold.

They still do not provide a paper audit trail.

Dont the mail-ins get tallied by antiquated machines who everyone and their mother can hack since they are connected to the internet?

Did I hallucinate or was Biden supposed to give a speech an hour ago?

This thread is going on so long that we’re seeing the same memes being reposted and no one bothering to bring up leisurely ponies.


Yeah but then they spot check the tallies against batches of ballots. At least in one state I saw. I assume all of them.

Also they probably count the ballots, then feed them and make sure the count matches.

We have the opposite problem in AZ that we had in PA. In PA the denominator kept shrinking from what we were being told. In AZ the denominator appears to keep increasing.

So the entire state of PA has counted what, like 25K ballots today today? WTF is going on.

The new GA machines generate a paper printout with an encrypted barcode which is then scanned.

Technically 50 is “over 24”.

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I’m not sure which of these 3 scenarios I’d prefer:

  1. Biden wins with the exact same margin as Trump in 2016
  2. Biden wins with a bigger margin with NC
  3. Biden wins with a smaller margin because he loses just Arizona and makes Fox look stupid.

But I do know that they’re all good.

Probably down to the problem ballots.

This is super tilting. Fuck the media/AP so god damned much.

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I feel like there should be some kind of public block chain-ish accounting of the votes. Just because I can log in and see that my mail-in ballot has been received and counted on some front end doesn’t mean shit. If there was a verifiable encrypted block that could only be correctly built by including all of the votes and would allow me to verify that my unique vote was indeed in the chain then I think I’m more comfortable with that?



Oh alright.

Fuck everyone.



Yeah, I was thinking that too. There is a bit of a risk that it encourages vote selling. If someone can verify your vote (even with your permission) it opens the door for some problems.

But it feels worth it for all the things it solves.