2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Same hope tonight as last night that Fox calls it during one of these showboats

Taking it slow is EXACTLY what is making it way more likely their country burns down.

Anyone want to venture a guess as to why even https://results.decisiondeskhq.com/ which has already called PA and thus the election still hasn’t called Nevada?

This is kinda starting to make no sense because PA is a mortal lock. If AZ flips back they look bad, but regardless there is zero chance Trump wins the whole thing.

Watch the morons call it right as Biden and Harris go on so all the right can start claiming it was coordinated thereby throwing rocket fuel on this fucking bonfire.




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Let’s drag these incompetent fucks across the finish line.


I’m not sure that calling the races with larger numbers of votes outstanding is necessarily better from a chaos perspective than waiting for additional counting.

Tbh it probably doesn’t make a lick of difference either way he’s going to melt down when it happens regardless.


Lol some deplorable on facebook tried to gotcha me for like 5 replies, asking me repeatedly “WHY AREN’T YOU OK WITH THEM CHALLENGING THE VOTE, HUH? WHAT ARE YOU SCARED OF?” to which I repeatedly replied, I’m not, you lost.

Finally I was like “look dude, I hope they challenge it and investigate it. I hope they count every legal ballot, because I already know what the results will be. They’re clear as day, accept the result.”

To which he meekly replied “ok fine I will accept the result if they investigate and find nothing”

This isn’t as fun as I imagined. I might have to wait a day or two for it to really sink in.


Seems there’s no first mover advantage to being the first network to call it, only downside.

If you’re wrong, you take a credibility hit.

Even if you are correct, by calling it first–your call is THE news for an instant, but then just as quickly you are OLD news. Viewers will start watching other networks to see when they call it. If I’m watching MSNBC and they call it, I’m instantly flipping to FOX.

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I don’t think most people watch the news like we do. I’ve basically only had CNN on because I like Anderson Cooper’s breaking news coverage. A lot of people are simpletons like me.

The ballot counting was filmed in a lot of places. Link him to the videos and say he should check for irregularities (i.e. waste hours of his life watching incredibly boring shit).


This doesn’t strike me as what most people would do. Perhaps it also depends what side you’re on. Biden voters aren’t flipping away for another network.

The q Anon people… I checked on them today and they are not ok. They’re eating more cognitive dissonance than we did last time. They’re spinning and the different narratives are bouncing all over the place.


Needs more “Get over it you lost! Go back to 4chan or your pizzagate group.”


I don’t watch the news, so my assumption there could be wrong for sure.

Uh oh. Corey Lewandowski has evidence of dead people voting in numbers that overturn the election results. It’s over.


The ultra-rare principled evangelical who actually believes the shit they say.

They haven’t called the winner yet and you expect facebook grandma to concede? Come on. Give it a few days.

How long until Bidens speech?