2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON



It doesnā€™t matter, Biden has sizable leads in PA and NV relative to the outstanding votes, and all of the remaining vote samples skew blue.

Biden is +19.6K in PA with 102.5K outstanding, and 60K of it is in Philly and Allegheny. Even if Joe ran bad and took 60% of those, heā€™d be up 32K with 42K left. Trump would have to run at 88%, and there are still a couple thousand each in a bunch of the Philly suburbs. There is just no path to victory here for Trump whatsoever.

This crossed my mind earlier.


The failure to call this is starting to become one of the biggest political fuck ups of all time. Itā€™s completely indefensible at this point as anything but cowardice. This would have been called in every other democratic nation and in every previous American election ever.

The fucking media just loses their mind when it comes to Trump.


Say the line, Fox!


Ralston doing some livestream on Facebook right now (lol)
He just said ā€œThereā€™s no path here for Trump ā€¦ I just think the presidential race is over in Nevadaā€

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It took them four years to start calling lies ā€œliesā€.

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lol @ nobody calling Nevada yet

Though mathematically you should be calling PA if youā€™re going to call NV


Fox getting people warmed up for Carlson and Hannity. Going hard to the paint on this wasnā€™t a free and fair election. Also thereā€™s no mandate if Biden prevails because half the country voted for Trump. I canā€™t watch this shit much longer.

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So Biden lead in PA up to 19.6k. So we are 15kish away from a call. Could get it tonight? Maybe soon?

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In our favor:

  1. Georgia flipped blue for first time so people will feel like their vote matters so may turn out

  2. Lame duck gonna be crazy and turn off more people and fire up more Dems

  3. Lots of trumpets will die of covid between now and then

  4. No stimulus or help from Mitch will mean a clear messaging on HEROES if we win this can help get out the vote

  5. Trumpets may not care to come out in as big of numbers while hopefully 1,2,4 above keep turnout high for Dems. Same with independents not coming out to vote against Trump while voting rep like they did this week.


So Kamalaā€™s on in about 35 minutes to tell us what we all know but that no network will?

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What is magical about 15 more votes?

Agree 100% but these are humans that probably donā€™t want their country to burn down and are trying to take it slow.

Just speculation.

Ralston saying he has talked to his friends at NBC and they are very cautious because they donā€™t want to make a mistake, there has been some miscommunication and bad information from state officials, so they want to make sure they base a decision on accurate info

Fox and AP both canā€™t call NV because then theyā€™d have to call the election based on AZ and they donā€™t want to either do that or retract the AZ call.

  1. No Trump on the ballot to energize his base, and he wonā€™t be participating.

Biden +35kish in PA is .5 percent which takes it out of automatic recount territory and is allegedly what the networks are waiting for.