2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

I don’t see anyone reporting 7151 new votes in GA. I know the CNN chyron shows it. But MSNBC should be breaking in with a big whammy like that.

RBG literally cost the court and the Senate. She gets no love.


shapiros outfit seemed to be keeping on with bot/paid traffic.
apparently ted cruz has a podcast they pay ads to push on youtube.
bognino is “successful” on facebook, although it’s gotta be mostly pushed by trolls in private groups.

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Ok this might be real. How many votes left in GA?

FoxNews could call GA and the election.




WAKE UP OUT OF YOUR TORPOR SHEEPLE - this Gwinnett County thing could call GA.


If anyone is watching CNN and just saw Christine from Las Vegas in line to cure her ballot…all I can say is Harris/Christine 2024.

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They’re not going to call GA till after every vote is counted and the recount is over.

Could also see them deciding new policy to wait to call till after all lawsuits resolved.


It’s real. No reference.


People in Philly singing Ludacris, who grew up in Clayton County


I hope she’d be proud.

Obv room for some to say that both ways.

seriously i watched it 5 times already. so perfect. lol Sean Connery. Who’s the guy with the cigarette?

In agreement. Better shot still next to no shot.



Anyone have any idea how many votes left to count in GA? As far as I can tell no one knows.

It looks that it is failing on cable TBH I didn’t even know there was a cable network until you mention it. The show and radio are still live on the internet and enough people follow him that I’m sure the grift is pretty lucrative.

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yeah, he’s on here in KC in the 9-11 spot, right before Rush.

To my LA buddy who moved back to Atlanta and became deplorable - LOLOLOLOLOLOL. Trump lost fucking Georgia. At least you still have the Falcons, Braves and UGA.

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I’d love to be in the room when you tried to explain standard deviations to one of those mouth breathers.