2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Recounts don’t change more than a few dozen or a few hundred at most votes.

If you want to put it 4th then the logic should be because of military ballots coming in.

Recounts are meaningless

Morello is an amazing person.

lol this is amazing

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They dropped 30k 8 hours ago. No big drops have come in since. Philly clearly said there were 40k more mail in votes to count - not provisional. Most likely scenario is big dump coming at some point imo.

The strategy (so I’m told), was always that Biden himself was best positioned to win over normal thinking and the never Trump Republicans. Much better than Sanders (again, so I’m told), so they never needed the Lincoln project. Not sure I buy that. Had it not been for covid and +230k Americans dying, I think Trump wins in a landslide. However, there’s no question that Biden did was he was supposed to do in PA, WI, MI, GA, etc. whereas, there was a very real danger Sanders could never shake the “socialist” label to win those states. And again, not sure I buy that…

The real question I have, is what now gong forward? Donald Trump is an imbecilic unfit fucking cartoon, That he won his first presidential race and came this close to winning a 2nd term, is scarier than the man himself. Clearly, we have something very wrong and broken in our system and have no idea how to fix it. It won’t be Biden, that’s for sure and Trumpism isn’t gong away any time soon. I really wonder if what we need is a 3rd Party

Biden’s lead in Georgia up to 4263.


I’m with you.the House needs to pass another stimulus bill ASAP and just pound messages into Georgia daily that the only way we ever see another stimulus cent is if both seats go blue.


I think there’s an error?

Why do you think there’s an error? CNN is reporting it.

Sure - they have a chance, but I still think people tune in for the brand, not the anchor. Beck failed spectacularly and Kelly isn’t doing great.

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Well the presidential race is close to exactly 50/50, so it’s not a lost cause. I think 20-30% chance of getting both is fair


Glenn Beck translated the grift to his own platform and seems to be doing fine.

I do not understand that reference. What movie is that from?


Well that’s twice as many votes (7151) as GA was saying they had left. Where did 7151 votes come from?

It also really depends on what happens in the next 60 days. If Trump goes full slash and burn it’s possible that depresses republican turnout (especially if they all believe this election was rigged so why bother voting in the next rigged election).

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No joke someone should remake this for the Georgia runoffs and replace Trump with Mitch McConnell

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Hunter Biden as fat, drunk Thor is amazing.


O’Reilly did a hit on Hannity’s radio show on Wednesday, at least. He still has a popular podcast and can probably seamlessly take over Rush’s 3 hours when the time comes, if the lame duck doesn’t want it.

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Hasn’t The Blaze been a decent failure? Recall that it was getting dropped from lots of cable packages and cutting employees.

The Rock has a house in Cobb County, so unless he’s off somewhere filming (and it could be in Atlanta), he should be an easy get.

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