2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

That’s Hunter Biden

Not exactly, but that was the lion’s share of the outstanding mail-ins AFAIK. Sounded like small bits from a couple other more rural counties, and then finally between 0 and ~8k of overseas/military ballots that were sent out but hadn’t been received yet, prior to the 7pm deadline.

I had a surprisingly deep lunchtime conversation with a coworker of mine and really wanted to wrap it up with some positive vibes about the election but was terrified that I would bring it up and and she would be like ‘Actually I was hoping for Trump!’


Eleventy hundred.

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Being wrong by 5 standard deviations is the absolute defining characteristic of being a MAGAer.



CNN says we’re getting a big PA dump any minute.

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The take I’m getting from the hivemind today is that this will be won by trump in the courts, possibly the SC.

Is that denial or bargaining phase?

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That’s great, but can we get a 2000% match?



Shortly before noon, Washington reporters at The Wall Street Journal received a memo, which was obtained by The New York Times, telling them that the paper’s standards department had endorsed the use of the term “president-elect” to describe Joseph R. Biden Jr., if The A.P. called the overall race in his favor.

Addressing claims of voter fraud more broadly, Mr. Baier added: “There’s all kinds of stuff flying on the internet. But when you look into it, it doesn’t pan out.”

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Obviously denial.

Bargaining would be like “God, I’ll stop beating on my wife if you just let tRump win this in the courts.”


Highlights of this so far for me:

-Crippling hangover every day.
-Losing my mind and going on a terrible shitposting spree Tuesday night.
-Best of all pissing my wife off late last night being loud on Discord. She asked “What are you doing and why are you being so loud?” Explaining to her I was talking to my internet friends was not met with approval lol.

This needs to end soon as all parts of my life are suffering haha.


It’s still not officially over?

I mean it is but for me it won’t be officially over until the networks call it and we get a victory speech.


Indulge my russia conspiracy theories for a moment.

What if the voting machines were actually breached and the shift to paper ballots because of coronavirus saved the election?


One more state and AP/Fox/WSJ call it

MSNBC seems to be done with Kornacki - just babbling about shit with Claire McHomophobe

I would lol hard if they did switch a bunch of votes it turns out but lost anyway.

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Maybe I’m in Hell, none of you really exist, and this is just how life is now.