2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Lol Mike Pence. What a fucking loser. Absolutely nobody gives a fuck about him, least of all his disgusted long suffering wife. Absolutely zero charisma and zero options from here. Sold out his whole life for nothing. Fuck off Mikey.


At today’s pace, about 8 months.

I know its a big country with a lot of people, but how do they manage to find a black Dem state congressman willing to go on tv and rant about Trump having the election stolen from him? Its legit impressive

Let’s get some momentum behind telling Nancy to GTFO:


She absolutely has to go.


That’s what I used to think about Newt and somehow that piece of shit is still relevant.

Just putting it here because it will be seen and can’t remember who misread my post about new deftones being good and SOAD/LP getting new critical reception, System of a Down released their first new music in 15 years today.

It is kind of weird that RATM/SOAD were just what angry young dudes listened to but actually were/are as progressive as they come. Tom Morello fucking rules.


This is one way to ruin all the momentum from high GOP turnout this election

Newt went ahead and cheated on his dying wife. Mike hasn’t done anything as noble for Republicans.


I listened to whatever SOAD single dropped today and I must have completely misunderstood it because it seemed like a pro military song???

I agree with getting Pelosi out. It’s not even that she’s done a terrible job, it’s just that at a certain point you need new leadership and a fresh start in the eyes of the public. She’s been House Dem leader for 12 years now, that’s long enough to see yourself become the villain.

It’s kinda like the end of Andy Reid’s tenure with the Eagles. Like I appreciate what you’ve done, but maybe we’re both better off doing separate things.




What are the chances for 50-50 in the Senate? Are we like a 2:1 dog or is this in the ‘we gonna vote out Mitch’ territory?

Like 10%.

That said, it’s so important they have to throw everything at this race. LeBron James - it’s the off-season, move to Atlanta for two months. I’m sure Taylor Swift has been worse places. The Rock. Whatever rappers are popular there. And find someone in the party who knows how to buy targeted ads on Facebook, maybe.


Seems super unlikely.

I think Philly is getting a big dump ready to end this thing before Biden speaks.


I was doing math of how much vote was left to come in. 6% left to go with 5 million votes in. I though there was like 300,000 votes left to count. But I guess something was wrong with the 6% number

PA is the only one that’s going to end it. AZ and GA will be too close to call for a while.

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What time might that be?

Oh my God this is so so dumb but soooo fucking amazing. I’m dying.


she should run for it, and we should write to/call on the representatives to vote for pramila over nancy.