2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

I have been watching it the last few days. They have stepped up the insanity today.

Barr and Miller


Yeah me too but I keep turning it back off because I can’t handle it.

It was a joke to think FOX pivoted or something. They just missed a call on AZ, couldn’t back down because it would destroy their credibility (yeah I see the irony in FOX News and credibility but we don’t make the rules) and had to lie from there.

Re AP/FOX early Arizona calls: The Sec of State was on a local NPR show yesterday morning, saying

When AP made that call, we did not have a clear picture of how many outstanding ballots were still left in the state.

If the SoS didn’t have a good number, I don’t know how they could be so confident.




Brett Baier and the co-anchor woman did a little pushing back against some of the crazier stuff but they’ve also been going along with a lot of it. Not that encouraging.

I think I said this before, but uh, your country is fucked.


He’ll give Hannity a piece of the network and then screw him over.

Stupid question maybe but um as far as calling it doesn’t you know Nate Silver run a news organization? And I don’t see “Joe Biden is your president elect” on it anywhere?

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He’s not their “decision desk” though. They’re delegating that to ABC (throughout whatever agreements they have).

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Hard for any of these decision desks to call the races tbh with such small and inconsequential updates dripping in. Honestly, nothing has really substantively changed for like, 2 days. Really just need to build the PA lead like another 20k, but other than that, there’s just literally nothing happening.



Someone has to call it before Joe gets on in 2.5 hours right? If not yikes.

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I think it’s about 3.5 hours?

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O brother


Start the 2024 speculation thread.



Maybe networks are waiting for the drop from Allegheny County. Sounds like there’s ~30k they can start counting at 5. Hopefully once those are in that’s enough to call Pennsylvania. Although at this point I have no idea how long it takes to count 30k mail-in ballots.

Hopefully Allegheny will just dump most of its votes at once sometime soon, will net at least another 14k votes.