2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

F5ing because after all we have been through together over the last four years, I want to share the moment the election is called with everyone ITT.

Get your favorite celebration gif ready.


The exits I saw had 93% of Republicans going for Trump.

My hope is the networks all call it around 7pm leading into a strong Biden speech.



Yeah how in the actual fuck were the votes released between 12am and 6am of more consequence than everything released since then?

I guess I could be disproven easily by some of the polling or results in the dem primary but my working assumption is that dems would still vote in a higher percentage for Bernie, but he would draw more independents in MI/WI and even in PA.

Makes sense, IIRC, independents tend to break Republican.

Employer doesn’t have this org, probably considered partisan. Lots of others to choose from. We get $400 of company money to give each November and they match $10k of giving.

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Dunno, Trump era has been a wet dream for Rs of pretty much all stripes for the last 4 years when it wasn’t clear at all that would be the case in 2016.

I still consider the Lincoln Project to be a worthy R voter depression effort that could have had an effect on the margins.

I think everyone underestimates how many people are on the fence/uninformed. Maybe the ads keep republicans home, maybe it changes a few minds, maybe it turns out a few more.

Either way. The idea that dems made a poor job of digital is not one that surprises me.

What is also clear is that republicans made more of an effort to target individual cohorts. While part of that is because trump can just tailor the lie to be everything to everyone of course.


Here’s hoping a lot of that appeal is transitory. I mean, what message could Republicans possibly take forward that doesn’t include Trump?

“Libs evil derp derp” is pretty much it.

Mid-morning, there were like 4,100 ballots still outstanding in Georgia. They still haven’t been updated. I mean, shit, I could have done at least half of them myself.


They’re in Gwinnett where there was a computer glitch. Not sure exactly what the process was today. Should ultimately be very pro Biden.

I mean it will probably be a little more elegantly articulated than that, but not by much


What in the world is this lol. This is an actual GOP congresscritter.


That dude represents citizens and makes laws.

the vince memes were a pain in the neck to edit so cliff notes is this at the end of vince meme for trump supporters

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If they or literally anyone had the evidence that the outstanding 20% would break down the way it did, they could have presented it, and then I would dial back my criticism of the call. As it is, we saw the outstanding ballots break pretty bigly for Trump, just not bigly enough to put him over the top. They would need some pretty detailed data in an unprecedented election to know for statistically sure that the remainder wouldn’t break like idk 15% more for Trump than it did to put him over the top. The simplest explanation is that they just fucked up.

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Stealing Hannity and Carlson for an almost guaranteed to sink alternative network would make me so happy