2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Putting myself in their heads, sure. They realized they called Arizona too quickly and risked/are risking having egg on their face, so they don’t want to do the same with Penn. The old “better safe than sorry.”

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Just realized that’s Casey Affleck holding the remote control

One of the newer Godzilla movies where Godzilla is fighting another kaiju and the JSDF is just hanging back and watching them go at it.

Gonna need some Bud Light real men of genius commercials made about all of these Trump admin guys suddenly finding a spine.

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I don’t think that’s it. I think that Fox decision desk is muzzled now. If left to their own devices (as they apparently were) they would absolutely call NV and PA. Someone at Fox is telling them not to because either of those calls ends it.

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I have to give props to Biden, i don’t think Bernie would have won as many EVs as he did. I’m pretty confident Bernie would have still won, but it would have been 279-259 victory. My unscientific assumption is that he would have lost soundly in AZ+NC+GA but would have won by yugeee margins in WI/MI/PA/NV. Basically, Biden taking the more central path put him in play in states Bernie wouldn’t have had a chance in, but made him vulnerable in MI/WI/PA. That’s my thought at least. Not sure what impact it would have had on senate/house races. You could probably argue that Bernie may have been even worse for down-ballot but jeez I’m not sure Dems could have done much worse than they did with Biden.




Yup. That’s the only real justification. And as far as I’m concerned this means I’m done having any deference to their methods being guided by some unquestionable wisdom.

But there’s a good chance this is more like what Melkerson is saying: Fox is muzzled, and the rest of the networks are scared to go out on a limb. They’re compromising with extremists. It’s the same bullshit principle that has guided the media since 2016.

I don’t think anybody will listen to Cassandra.


There was an interesting theory put forth yesterday (MSNBC, maybe?) that the turnout to vote against Trump may have hurt down-ballot Democrats. Basically, lots of Republicans or Republican-leaning voters got to lash out against Trump by voting against him, but they still wanted Republicans to win and their anger didn’t extend down-ballot. Thus, the increased turnout to vote against Trump also gave Republicans down-ballot more votes.

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No one was supposed to better in PA than Joe.

My position for a good 3 yrs was that Biden was the candidate with the highest chance to beat Trump. Then he lost a couple of steps mentally, and I was less sure. I don’t think he was the best, but I don’t think he was the worst either.

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It’s very hard for me to believe the same methodology is being applied to 1) Call AZ on election day and 2) NOT call NV now


Bernie would’ve been slightly worse for house/senate races if anything, NV you’re right he does better, PA I don’t think he does as well as joe, MI probably slightly better, WI is hard to say it’s already a swing state. I think people are still seriously believing WI is a +10 dem state and it’s not, it should be slightly R if anything, they blew it up there.

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Exactly. It can’t be. Only explanation is that Fox decision desk is muzzled.

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They got more Republicans to vote for Trump! That couldn’t have been easy when he already had 90% the first time.

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Networks suck but Pennsylvania count has slowed to a crawl.

I don’t really care about the networks calling it or not, but what’s kind of annoying today is it feels like basically no additional vote counts have been released.

I’m not sure that’s true for Republicans because I think exit Poles showed that Trump won republicans 94% compared to 90% in 2016. So the Lincoln Project had no impact on actual republicans. It seems like the true independents (whoever they are) are the ones who swung for Biden and voted down-ballot Republican.