2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON


The redheads per capita number here is huge.


inadmissible hearsay within hearsay



it’s less about information and more about incentives

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I’ll just point out that every single time I can recall Trump making a baseless accusation against someone, or some body of people, it’s been projection of his own guilt of the same thing.


Also should be waiting for Trump’s camp to formally request (and pay for :joy:) said recount

Russian “immigrants”

Not sure I follow. Are you saying they calculated that it’s best for their brand to just let it ride and hope they were right rather than make a retraction? If that proves to be true I’ll lose a lot of respect their decision desk.

yeah, essentially. I strongly suspect the original call was a mistake, someone read something wrong or fat fingered some data entry, and when they looked at it they figured it’s probably the right call, it’s better to just ride it out than to backtrack and do a bunch of splaining

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Add me to the tally. Pretty weird.


I guess, but it’s hard to say how that would be injurious or change anything.

Do strawberry blondes count (when I had hair)?

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Most likely they thought it would be like PA or GA where Biden gets 80% of mail-ins and 60%+ of the late mail-ins

Given how crazy things are now I guess it might not move the needle all that much, but especially if there’s no automatic recount statute, it can give the appearance that even the state of GA does not buy what he’s seeing and wants another count. It’s a subtle undermining of the result that was unfavorable to Trump.

If it’s within the margin for an auto recount then I believe the state pays for it.

Someone upthread says GA has no auto recount statute.

Ok, well that’s weird and not like most states as far as I know.

No auto-recount. If the margin is within 0.5%, a candidate can request a recount.

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