2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Let’s ship Glesias there first

He’s mayor of Flyoveropolis.

Seriously though imagine of a bunch of tech companies got a gigantic tax break and moved operations there.

Green tech too.

I’ve speculated that COVID didn’t push people to Trump because most of the people who wanted more restrictions were already voting for Biden, it just made them more firm in their intentions to vote against Trump, but that mask mandates and the like activated some previously apathetic non-voters into becoming single-issue anti-mask voters. There’s going to be some hysteresis because they won’t all go away when coronavirus is no longer an issue and some of those voters will shift their views towards boiler-plate Republican stances to minimize cognitive dissonance.

That ignores the people who believe in mask mandates, but voted for Trump because they thought he supported them, too. My guess is this was not asymmetrical and you didn’t have a similar number of Biden voters being equally mistaken.

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Trump is coming in at like 53% of each new tranche of ballots, he needs 59% and with each new group that comes in the number he needs goes up


I guess we must be the weird ones for counting all the ballots before declaring a winner, and ensuring we have enough people doing the counting to conclude in a few hours.


I have transitioned from sweating ballot dumps to hate watching Fox News. I’m planning on drinking a bottle of their tears later. Whining about the big boy pants comment now. Cucks.


Same. The big boy thing had me rolling.

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It won’t get there because of Covid but “tranche” is making a late push for Word of the Year.




Lol. The amazing thing is vote counting seems to be one of the most transparent processes our govt does.


That transparency is one of the things that makes it so slow.

Wasn’t that the word of the year in 08 too?


Was it? I don’t remember hearing it before.


Especially such good vibes the last 48 hours every time I hear the word ‘tranche’ it meant I was about to see Trump’s lead sync / Biden’s lead grow.

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Unbelievable. We putting Trump supporters in cages now? This is what SOCIALISM looks like!


A bit of looking into the future here, but I’m learning pacing for short silent films so here we go

Biden's latest state alternate




I’m not an expert on GA election laws, but it sure read not as some ratfucking but a plain declaration that there is no way that the final margin is going to be outside of the automatic recount margin, no matter who’s ahead. If the recount is a lock, and also they’re going to continue the initial count prior to starting the recount, I can’t work out any way in my head that stating that is in some way nefarious.

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Per Ballotopedia, no auto recount law in GA.