2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Fox News is hilarious right now.

The last time I turned on Fox, they were doing a “Dems in disarray” thing

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The few minutes I watched were about how the drastic tax and regulation increases that would have come with losing the Senate had been heroically avoided. And now, Steve Forbes to talk about the markets.

On the margins, yes. I don’t see how the targeted ads making the case to black men about Biden’s crime bill, to Cubans/Venezuelans/etc. about socialism /communism and on and on WOULDN’T work.

Dems do nothing like that, just pound everyone with the same Rs hate the ACA and Trump is a dumb racist message through generic ads, mainly expensive, highly inefficient TV ads. That’s old school.

Need to hit military families with a daily barrage of ads in their Facebook feed of Trump disgracing the military, religious folks w/ ads of Trump mocking religion, soybean farmers on how Trump’s trade war fucked them up, every different minority w/ ads of Trump being a cruel bully towards their race specifically, etc, etc.

Create your own examples…

All of this daily in their social media feeds so that it becomes just a given in their subconscious. That’s what the Rs are doing to us…


It’s not only about turnout. It’s also about suppressing Rs.

Sorry if that sounds evil or underhanded, but we just saw what “everybody vote!” messaging got us. It got us a lot more Rs voting too.

We MUST figure out the messaging that will empower Ds and suppress Rs.



Meh. I think they want to just be doubly and triply sure about their projection. Nothing could be worse than making a declaration that turns out to be false. Can you imagine the chaos that would cause. You gotta know AP and FOX are praying Arizona doesn’t flip, and that’s not even the deciding state.

I know GA leadership loves voter suppression and ratfucking Dems, but I wouldn’t read too much into this. It will obviously be within recount range and they know the losing side is going to ask for a recount.

The election itself ran fairly well here. Their voter suppression bullshit is prelude.



I don’t understand how AP called Arizona quick as hell (that race is still going to be pretty close) but won’t call PA right now

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Man I really don’t want to get on every mailing list on earth from this. Does any poster I sorta know have an act blue express account or already donated to this? I’ll venmo or paypal you to donate.

They probably realized they shouldn’t have and are now being extra cautious.

This thread brings me joy



I mean I know you’re right. But we both know they never come out and say BY GAWD WE’RE DOIN A RECOUNT if Trump is leading in this same spot and expected to hold on. They wait for the votes to come in and then call it for Trump and then announce, maybe, a recount, probably.

I’ll match it and do it. I think my employer will also match.


They most likely fucked up thinking Maricopa late mail-ins would break as hard or harder for Biden than Maricopa in general. That was wrong. But E-day dropoffs are looking a little better for Biden so far.

Ok done - we’ll post screenshot here when done.

Maybe 3 sigma for a state but 4 to put it over 270? I have no clue.

I’m thinking a trusted poster here should do an Unstuck donation drive for the GA runoff as well. I 100% trust Microbet or Zikzak. Probably others.

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