2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Once you’ve made the call, there is absolutely no incentive to walk it back. If you were wrong, you get dragged regardless.

I think Fox and AP jumped the gun a bit, and then they each the only option was stand behind it and sweat it.

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Another question: Is it standard to delay calling a race because of a recount? Because I’m starting to hear “we won’t know Georgia for weeks” talk.

I thought races normally get called pending a recount.

There were how many teams who used the same data and came to the conclusion that there isn’t enough there to make a call?

Meh, I don’t know. I think we got pretty close to max turnout here. We really think some digital ads were changing minds?

I’d say if the rest are even or better.

Yeah if that happened for sure.

AZ has had E-day dropoffs since before covid. Would be nice to see how they usually break. But this year is so weird with everyone afraid of the mail and Trump encouraging voting in person.

I agree. Hell we got 75% in NC and lost.

Maricopa - no more drops until 9pm ET. I guess they’re doing 150k/day from here on out.

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Fox calling it too soon may have saved America.


Did AP call AZ first? I could see AP fucking up about mail-ins and Fox jumping on that.

“Apparent winner” is the usual term.

I thought AP called first but apparently Fox did.

It’s possible someone from Fox got word that AP was planning to call so Fox got ahead of it, but there’s no indication of that right now.

I think four?

Lol Trump lawyers


I don’t disagree.

NV & PA are equivalent. They are both the mortal lock of the century. In both states all that’s left is votes where Biden grows his lead.


Nobody jumps on it, they’re isolated from the news for this very reason.

Why are they “recounting” Georgia when they’re not even done counting Georgia? Purely obvious bias in that recount announcement.



I believe because it’s known now that the margin of victory - for either candidate - triggers an automatic recount.

Edit: actually, no auto recount in GA. So perhaps they assume Trump will request one.