2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Someone should make a FAQ sticky so we stop getting the same questions (no offense @danspartan). This is like the fifteenth time someone has had to explain the NC status.




It’s notable, but to me this doesn’t demonstrate any additional credibility about an AZ call.

This election isn’t unfolding as a simple horse race. It’s all about wildly incomplete information about what types of ballots are outstanding from which areas. Unless they are 100% dialed-in to the news I feel like their “decisions” are complete BS. Especially ones made on election night ffs.

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Agreed. PA should be called, bottom line. They’re up 15k votes and there’s no indication anything could erase that lead.


Many known quantities from the data world questioned the call. It wasn’t just MAGA people and cynical Unstuck posters.

The AP had an opportunity to explain their rationale, but instead, they published a content free explainer that amounted to saying “we’re right because we’re right.” Sorry, but if you’re in data and you won’t be more transparent than that, then I’m not gonna trust your questionable calls any more than I trust Trafalgar polls. I still think they look foolish if the margin is less than Biden +2, since they called it with like 20% of votes uncounted iirc.


Appearing on Fox News, Mr. Graham, who is one of the president’s most loyal allies on Capitol Hill, did not offer any evidence to support the spurious claims of the White House. While he objected to the vote counting in Pennsylvania, he said he supported the process in Arizona.

“I trust Arizona, I don’t trust Philadelphia,” he said.

Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas followed his Republican colleague on the network and accused Democrats of trying to steal the election. He also offered no evidence to back his assertion.

The two senators were among several Republicans — including Representative Kevin McCarthy, the House minority leader, and Representative Doug Collins of Georgia — who on Thursday suggested without evidence that something was awry in the election.

“Everyone who’s listening, do not be quiet,” Mr. McCarthy said on Fox News. “Do not be silent about this. We cannot allow this to happen before our very eyes.”

I agree, and I think the distinction here is that for the first time there were major disparities in performance for the same method of voting depending on when the vote was cast. Like for example in Cobb County GA, the first week of early in-person voting was very blue, and the second week of early in-person voting shifted a lot more red.

It could if the next batch breaks even harder for Biden. It could be that last batch was mixed late earlies and E-day dropoffs. AZ is doing 75k at a time, not breaking down by ballot type apparently.

Just saying there’s a chance they knew what they were doing.

Well the credibility is it’s like independently verified research. Two separate teams of experts used the same data and came to the same conclusion without communicating with each other.

I do agree I was surprised they’d make a call in anything that ends up being within like 1% with that much still outstanding in such a weird/unique election with a lot of new variables.

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NV too, basically everything left is Clark.

Whomever posted that we should switch to FOX for the schadenfreude can go forth

Edit… I switch over for around 2 mins and its just all lies

Seemingly 3000 ballots from NV are folks who don’t stay there… No shit

Only Republicans can be trusted to run investigations and count votes.


Nevada was locked for us earlier than Wisconsin was.


To me it really comes down to the next Maricopa batch (wrt to FNC and AP having any idea what they were doing). We know we’re into E-day dropoffs now, so this batch should be all E-day dropoffs.

If it comes in say 52/46 Trump - then it doesn’t prove AP and FNC knew what they were doing. But if it comes in 57 Trump then that proves they had no idea what they were doin.

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Yeah, everything but GA should be called. Biden has 290 right now. Maybe the media wants to time it better with Biden’s prime time speech, I have no idea what’s holding them back at this point.


That should be right, I would hope.

I guess if AZ ends up out of recount range, then FOX call is much more justifiable. You can’t hold a weird sequence of ballot counting against them.

I also absolutely love that FOX hasn’t walked the call back in 3 days.

I’m thinking the media is planning to call it right before 8pm ET.

Yeah, at this point it must be related to driving prime time. No other logical explanation.


This - CA is awesome if you have a good enough job to afford it.


There has to be some ratio that would prove FOX and AP knew what they were doing, right?

If we got Biden 70-30 or something crazy.