2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Of course. Never had a doubt. Every minute spent tracking AZ since the AP call has been theatre.

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Biden is going to win AZ, but Fox called it too soon and then had to go with it.

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Fox beginning to ramp up the drum beat of irregularities and “lawlessness” surrounding the election.

We need to call this shit. NOW.


Why do people here think they have more information and expertise than the AP decision desk?


Remember this? - related …


Because we legitimately do and did.


I think it’s more what did AP know that the other 5 desks didn’t.


If there’s any proof of that I’d lose a lot of respect for AP, but so far I haven’t seen any. One of the few media outlets I still 100% trust.

Given how well GOP did down ballot, it seems like Trump would have had this in the bag without COVID.

It may turn out that the pandemic actually ends up reducing aggregate human misery. There is so much Trump could have done in 4 years to fuck up the US and the world.

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It’s also worth noting that Fox News and AP called it independent of each other within probably a 15-20 minute stretch. The people making those calls are in isolation rooms with no connection to the news, their phones, etc. When they AP called it, they didn’t know Fox already had.


Interesting. Never knew this.

Just got home from golfing. As I was warming up one old retiree shouts across the range to his friend walking over, “so what do you think about the election”. I’m now mentally preparing myself for something super awful to be said, instead the guy responds “just saw Georgia. I heard that was Stacey Abrams. Someone should put her in charge of something important.” His friend agrees.

And I immediately felt awful for judging these two old white guys, but after that it made me realize that maybe there is some hope out there after these four years.


I read somewhere that the big divider this election was “control COVID” vs. “open for business!” If that’s true, it explains a lot of the down ballot R gains, as often these local politicians are the ones screaming about it enough and most loudly.


156k max ballots left in NC - but that’s if every single one requested is returned. Actual number should be much lower. It seems like a long long shot.

I heard 115-20K expected… But also might be some provisionals, and IIRC (don’t @ me I’ve barely slept all week), 40K of those…

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If you had to rank the remaining states in likelihood of going for Biden given what we know now, the ranking would be:

PA > GA/NV >> AZ >>>>>> NC


I simply cannot fathom AZ being an easier call than PA right now.


This gimmick has been executed perfectly.


I have georgia as 4th due to possible recounts. Arizona might be 2nd if the next dump goes well.

Could be. If that’s the case, we need a vaccine in about 1.5 years max. Otherwise, it’s the same thing all over again.


PA 100%
NV 100%
AZ 99.9%
GA 95-99%