2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Yes msnbc get out your :mag_right:

Anyone checked in on the QAnon people today? Is this all part of the plan?


Iā€™m really hoping that PA drops another batch of votes and FOX are forced to call it, looking forward to a possible FOX meltdown.

I cued it to the best part


I am so pissed right now literally the one non movable appointment this week is this morning.

I want to be watching Fox catcher

The wife of a friend of mine ran for Georgia state senate and lost to a republican incumbent by like 1%. Heā€™s been wallowing in it, but it seems likely that at least a few people - if not hundreds - who wouldnā€™t have otherwise voted at all did so because of her. And since those people certainly also voted for Biden, a tiny part of this Georgia result belongs to them, even if they lost their race. And thatā€™s pretty cool.


Fox news host: ā€œIā€™m upset there was universal votingā€

Get so fucked you fucking shit fuckers.


If it ends up being more like 500, times three days = 1500, times 67 counties = 100,500.

I dunno though, Iā€™m just guessing at the number. We have no way to know that and this is not me making one of my now famous cuserounder projections.

And breathe.

Congrats guys. Back to the good old days :frowning:


Iā€™d really love AZ, but itā€™s looking bleak to me.

Correct me if Iā€™m wrong, but isnā€™t Trump just outright winning Maricopa county. Not just the uncounted votes, but if you look at all votes made in Maricopa county in any manner. Thatā€™s seems unexpected and seems why Fox probably fucked up the early call.

Niiiiiiiice, youā€™ve been holding onto that one for a minute havenā€™t you? lol

Holy shit, I just looked it up out of curiosity: Vince McMahon is 75. :open_mouth:

I will be calling them racists even more now.

GG losers.



I mean, who gives a shit if they are waiting to call it? If they are just being careful, great. Fine. If they are waiting because of ratings, I donā€™t care. The Georgia flip happened when everyone was asleep and the Pennsylvania flip happened just a short time ago. Even though itā€™s obvious Biden is going to win, if they want to let people around the country wake up before they call it, fine with me.

If they wait until tonight, thatā€™s stupid, but itā€™s not like itā€™s going to change what they are talking about all day.


Last I saw they were on their knees praying and chanting and speaking tongues outside election offices.

No this is not a joke, made up or hyperbole.

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Decision desk has called for Biden. I think thatā€™s safe enough

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What is universal voting? Is that like 5/5ths as opposed to 3/5ths or 0/5ths?

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Watching fox news to see the life drain from their eyes, but holy shit the south dakota tourism ad is tilting. Like holy shit, youā€™re trying to convince me to go to your massive covid outbreak state in the middle of winter? Fuck off.

OTOH, sandalā€™s donā€™t worry, everything is going to be alright ad is A++

Finally, where can I get my medicare advantage plan?

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