2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

I hate to say this but we should do a stimulus deal with Mitch right now while we still have equity. It torpedoes those Senate seats, but we have to win both and it’s a long shot.

If we lose them this is our last chance.

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Me either. Now that I’m not terrified I’m insanely pissed at this result.




Honestly I would snap accept a law that makes any sort of political polling illegal.

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Fox News is delicious right now.

Anchor: Trump has a very sophisticated legal strategy!

Guest: No he doesn’t, and the President is his own worst enemy for discouraging vote by mail lololol


Looks to me that, purely in terms of votes, what got Biden over 270 is WI with a mere +0.7 margin. So with that in mind, I’m gonna go ahead and call the MVP of the race to be my man Rudy Giulliani. If he hadn’t distracted Trump with the shiny object of Hunter’s laptop, he might have campaigned on stuff swing voters actually care about, and we’d be looking at bleaker prospects today.

It’s funny that for four years people have worried that Dems would blow the election by running on Russia, and it ended up being Republicans who blew it by running on Ukraine and China.


I am not giving the poles credit for this. Not the Nates either.


They should do the right stimulus deal and not a bullshit compromise one. Pass it and let Mitch decide what to do. Then campaign on the concrete ways that winning the GA seats will matter.

And they should do this with other things too. There’s all sorts of popular shit that the GOP is torpedoing.

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I get this.

However, anyone who lives in Georgia is not allowed to feel this way.

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Fox calls Arizona for Trump:

Nevada likely to go for Biden:

Biden takes the lead in Georgia:

Biden takes the lead in Pennsylvania:


And an SNL with Chappelle. We got the symmetry.

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Narrator: he wouldn’t have.

In the end, Hunter Laptop probably helped Trump a little, but thankfully not enough. If the media didn’t do the right thing by ignoring it, I shutter to think that it could’ve flipped a few 10’s of thousands of votes.

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Shit, that’s basically what I did but for 1/100,000 the stakes lol.

He makes it sounds so hard, but when the market is so volatile it’s very difficult not to profit.

Bigger enemy of the people:

  • The media
  • Billionaires

0 voters


This would require the eDems to have learned a lesson from doing everything they could to block Bernie. But if Biden ekes this out, and he seems like he will, I guarantee you that the whole Dem establishment will think “It worked! Thank God we were there to be Responsible Centrists and stop Bernie!” There is absolutely no way they will own the House and Senate failures.



From January.


I think the mvp is ins0. If he was not a slumlord’s assistant in Milwaukee oppressing people they might not have voted for Biden.

I credit this to ins0. Rest In Peace.