2019 Elections: LA, KY, MS gov, VA legislature, other local stuff

If I remember right he lives in some stupid looking McMansion that has a moat.

You literally can’t buy a house in Anchorage ISD for <500k… and the houses under 1M are clearly meant for poor people like doctors/lawyers. The cheapest house on zillow in Anchorage is 525k and it’s a normalish 3 BR house.

It comes with free tuition to a super swanky private school where most of the kids get brought in limos basically. Also all your neighbors are also rich. Rich people really like that a lot.

That doesn’t explain the name.

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It sounds swanky. It’s like the name of every subdivision in suburbia. There have to be 15,000 places named something like ‘whispering pines’ that are located in places with no pine trees at all.

No it doesn’t, it sounds like a place where you anchor boats, because that’s what “anchorage” means.


Lol it’s funny you said whispering pines. My old apartment complex in South Florida was called whispering pines and the closest pine tree was probably Ocala national Forest that was 300 miles north.

I wanna say Mitch is in trouble, but then I remember the Dems are going with the fighter pilot lady to run against him.


1000% agree. She’s like the anti turnout. My friends in Louisville actively hate her, and they are obviously reliable blue voters. I think they’ll turn out in droves because of Trump anyway though. Trump really is a massive positive for Democratic candidates nationwide next November. Being down ballot is going to be great.

Now that he’s been freed, couldn’t they talk Steve Beshear into a run for Senate? Looks like the name has a lot of BRAND EQUITY in key parts of the state.


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How many fighter planes has he flown?

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If that diner has a 1942 coin-op arcade cabinet then I’m guessing the answer is “a lot.”


So good (with video)


before he became gov, mcconnell wrecked him in a senate race. This during the clinton era when some dems actually did get votes in certain south states.

LOL. 30 seconds talking into a dead mic…

Your point is correct but also Trump will be on the ballot at the same time so dems could run an anti abortion gun toting dude flying in on a bald eagle with apple pies for everyone and the american flag in the other hand and is personally what garrison draws trump as and he still loses by 10 points.

Not so sure about that. Trump’s base is shrinking just on the olds dying. The GOP has to depend on low voter turnout just to win. Trump has zero interest in capturing a single vote other than his deplorable base. It could work, but it could also backfire.


Counterpoint: Moscow Mitch carried Fayette and Jefferson by 5-6 points in that election. Beshear can deliver coal country.

Jesus guys McConnell isn’t losing.