2019 Elections: LA, KY, MS gov, VA legislature, other local stuff

They will at least try. You know nothing Al Franken

70% voted to remove MLK’s name from a street in Kansas City if you needed another reason not to visit Kansas City


That was a Senator and it didn’t actually work as I recall… this is Bevin, a deeply ineffective and unpopular governor who nobody cares about at a national level.

LOL who visits Kansas City?

Papa John was at that Trump rally the other night. How do these wealthy people have nothing better to do? Give me $50 million and I’m travelling the world, experiencing new things and having fun. Meanwhile, Mr Shitty Pizza here is still living in a hellhole state like Kentucky and attending MAGA rallies.


Yeah Anchorage where Papa John lives is very definitely not a hellhole. It’s a perfect example of richistan.

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I’ll see your “that was a Senate race” and raise you a “that race didn’t have Trump’s personal brand slapped all over it.” Trump let slip at the two hours of hate the other night that he’s taking it personally if his pet, whom he’s stumped for more than the average GOPer recently, gets beaten and I don’t think his ego can tolerate that. Also I should qualify that it will not necessarily work but they will pull out all the stops to at least attempt it. All it would take is one tweet from Donald about irregularities and it’s game on.


VA turned into a blue state astonishingly quickly.

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Still, a nice part of Kentucky is like being tall dwarf.

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Yeah no. Anchorage is nice nice. Nice for anywhere nice… and it has the property values to back it up.

I mean it still took 10 years or so to really happen.

Iowa (and potentially Ohio) went the other way in the same time period.

Virginia has been blue for at least a decade while gerrymandering was in full force until it wasn’t. The shifting blue narrative is good tho

I’ve been banging the drum for years, basically all super rich people are sociopaths.

They love dominating other people and it’s the power that keeps them going. What these people usually mean when they say stuff like “I’m passionate about work, it’s what I enjoy” etc. is “all these people around me have to do what I say all the time and that gets me off.”


It’s still Kentucky. There’s nice areas in all 50 states. It doesn’t mean I want to live there. If you had the means to live anywhere in the world and be in the top 0.1%, why on Earth would you pick Anchorage Kentucky?

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You see this on Shark Tank all the time. They nickel and dime entrepreneurs just for shits and giggles. I remember one time Cuban was busting Daymond John for being so stingy and he mentioned the wine they drank the night before was more expensive than what John offered. And John was like “Yea, so?” And then they both laughed.

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legit thought we were talking Alaska until this post


He for sure owns houses in other places and Papa Johns the company is headquartered in Louisville. The anchorage school district is good enough that he sent his kids to public school (to be clear Anchorage ISD is one of those insanely pruned super rich people school districts designed to cater to the very well off… basically everyone who lives in anchorage sends their kids to Anchorage ISD. It’s nicer than any of the local private schools and massively more exclusive).

It’s not weird. Most places in the country have a rich people enclave like Anchorage… and Louisville is a nice enough city to live in. Is it NYC/LA/SF? No. But Papa John wouldn’t fit in in those places at all.

I visited Louisville a few years ago and really enjoyed it, but also knew someone from there who swore up and down it was the biggest shithole and most dangerous place around. So, Fairbanks Alaska still kinda makes sense–I had not heard of the term or book Richistan before. Of course it makes sense now…

It’s got nice parts and shitty parts. The food is good. As good as anywhere probably. The sushi is below average for a major metro and everything else is way above average. About the only thing you can’t get there that you can get in the greater Austin area is a cheap/good breakfast taco. Austin is missing several things you can get in Louisville interestingly.

Source: I lived there from 2006 to 3/1/2019 with a 2 year hiatus in Northern KY which absolutely sucks fwiw.

“What should we name our subdivision that’s miles away from any navigable body of water in the middle of a landlocked state?”



Houses are $200/sf. It can’t be that nice. He probably just likes being surrounded by fellow rubes.

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