2019 Elections: LA, KY, MS gov, VA legislature, other local stuff

Underappreciated aspect here is Bevin coming out in support of TOLLS for the main bridge (I-71 / I-75) from NKY into Cincinnati about a week before an election. You’d need like a fucking rack of Cudas and Xeon processors to see a move like that in 4D Chessmaster 7000.



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Big side bar but the murder in Mexico story is tilting. They are mexicans and American citizens but most of them only have American residency by abusing loopholes in the US immigration policy. Not to mention they left because they were polygamists. These are almost all Mexican citizens but because they are white we should care they died? 10s of thousands of brown skin Mexicans have died and nobody says anything.


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bevin trying to figure out how there’s magically going to be 5k absentee ballots magically appearing right about now hrrrm that might not be enough better do 7.5k

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For Whom the Bell Tolls would be the nut headline for Bevin’s gjge.


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Thought I would check in with 2p2 pol…

This is a thread

In Kentucky Governors Race, Did the Libertarian Candidate Screw Trump and Republicans?

Lifted the following from a Fox News report.

On Monday, Trump had called on an “angry majority” of voters to boost Bevin, in a nod to Richard Nixon’s “silent majority” and Richard Nixon’s “moral majority.” But with 100 percent of precincts reporting, Bevin was behind Democratic Attorney General Andy Beshear, 49.2 percent (711,955 votes) to 48.9 percent (707,297 votes). Libertarian candidate John Hicks received 28,475 votes, or 2.0 percent.

If this result survives a recount, in a three-way race it appears that Beshear - the Democratic candidate - “won” by less than 5,000 votes; a razor thin margin. Then there’s John Hicks - the Libertarian candidate. Mr. Hicks scooped up 28,000+ votes or six times the differential between Beshear and Bevins. I’m sure if Mr. Hicks had not been in the race, most of those 28,000 votes would have gone to the Democratic candidate. Not!

Judging by this result, the smart move for the Dems might be to adopt a variation of the “Claire McKaskill” strategy. Spend a considerable sum of your own money “persuading” a Libertarian (unelectable) candidate to run against Trump in 2020. Who knows, it might work. It sure worked for Claire McKaskill in Missouri in 2012 against Todd Akin - the “legitimate rape” Republican candidate … She even wrote a chapter in a book gloating about how she came up with the brilliant idea …


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Cameron received 774,864 votes in his 15-percentage-point win – while Bevin garnered only approximately 700,000 votes for his marquee gubernatorial bid.

this is almost unheard of, a lower importance position getting that many more votes lol bevin


edit–is this under the old nobody’s gonna do shit if we do it rule


More details:

As if matters couldn’t get more complicated, Republican Senate President Robert Stivers then told reporters that a joint session of the Kentucky General Assembly may eventually decide the winner, citing a provision in the state constitution that hasn’t been used in 120 years.

The third step that a candidate could take is a formal election contest, which must also be filed by the Tuesday after the election. Under this contest, the candidate challenging the results must specify the grounds for the action, such as a violation of campaign finance rules or specific problems when it comes to how ballots were cast.

Last but not least, there is Section 90 of the state constitution, which addresses a “contest of election for Governor or Lieutenant Governor.”

Section 90 states: “Contested elections for Governor and Lieutenant Governor shall be determined by both Houses of the General Assembly, according to such regulations as may be established by law.”

More background and interesting history:

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Libertarians taking credit for Bevin’s loss.



Obviously hope Beshear doesn’t get the election stolen from him, but if he does, we can all point to it as more corruption in the GOP and hope that it hurts them more generally (which it already does).

It’s not like Cocaine Mitch or Rand Paul are losing any time soon and those are the elections that matter for our purposes.

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I’m pretty much resigned to Bevin and GOP stealing it and nothing happening

That would be bad for Mitch and every elected official up in 2020 so I think they strongly consider it and opt not to.