2019 Elections: LA, KY, MS gov, VA legislature, other local stuff

lmao dem won kentucky? hope mitch is watching


dems win virginia state senate? oooweeee equal rights amendment here we come


they also won the house but margins in both are slim enough for some dem to be a giant jerk.

What does this refer to?

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I would pay real money to be a fly on the wall in his vicinity right now.

Mitch McConnell is 13 points underwater and the most unpopular senator in the country right now. Would be pretty sweet to see him lose his seat.


Kentucky under 5k but I don’t see what’s left if anything (edit, CNN/Wapo have different numbers)

VA senate is a win but has 3 very close seats to the wire that R’s lead so they might only have it by one. This would be 2/3 under projected and after they forced R’s to redraw districts.

Still better than the LITERAL coin flip they used last time to determine that one seat.

The libertarian got 2% in kentucky. We laugh at you idiots but thanks this time.


Lol big ups to the Paul family.


I was bored enough to google his platform and it seemed pretty lefty so who knows where he pulled the votes from.

Still scared AF that Bevin pulls it out in recount shenanigans.


I dunno the shit is weird. Have you ever read about Elliott County, Kentucky? It’s a tiny impoverished county that is 100% white and Donald Trump is the first Republican president they ever voted for. I mean it’s backwoods as fuck and they went for Obama twice.

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He’s refusing to concede because of course he is.

What’s scary is the turnout increase over 2015 is huge and name brand candidate wins by 0.4% against a historically unpopular cockface. Feels like there’s a good amount of fuckery baked into this. Total turnout went from ~950k to 1.42M.

roy moore still hasn’t conceded either

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Not happening with Trump on the ticket.

While this was a good night for dems regardless of what else happens–it’s not a clear ass kicking like I had hoped.