2019 Elections: LA, KY, MS gov, VA legislature, other local stuff

Don’t think Jefferson County is all in either. (I’m watching on Ket.org so might be behind).

Mississippi just started and surprising close there as well. Not much in yet.

I don’t know, a recount swinging 10,500 votes or so seems really unlikely.

For comparison, the Franken recount had franken losing initially by 215 votes, and ended up winning by 250 votes, in a state with a REALLY generous voter intent rule. A swing of 10k votes in a recount? No way.

Any particular reason for this in an otherwise super red state?

Even so, the fact Trump held a rally for him and sent out a tweet and he still lost in a deep red state seems promising to me. Seems like it says the Trump bump is dwindling.

All these super red states were blue up until the last 20-30 years. The parties flipped after the GOP southern strategy.

Edit: Bill Clinton, for example, carried Kentucky twice.


The not so great Kornacki is really working to not call this.

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Looks like Dems are going well in Virginia too.

Historically it’s not super red. They voted for Clinton twice, Carter once, Johnson, Adlai Stevenson, Truman. There may be a ton of white racial resentment there, but there’s also a history of unions, white conservatives who didn’t get the memo to switch parties, and being down with some socialism.

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Senate and House actually aren’t going as well as projected. That doesn’t matter so much though, we’re here for all the narrow WINS. House and Senate are barely gonna flip but that’s a sweep.

Lee Carter reelected, nice

NBC News just called Kentucky for Beshear

Last county reported, beshear up by 6k. That would be a near historical flip in a recount to flip 6k votes.

me right away “hey this is gonna be a close race” also me right away only puts in a little amount on that on predictit (it’s very low volume so it’s annoying but still, I probably could’ve maxed it out if I really tried to)

What about absentee ballots?

Enough late absentees to swing 6k? Seems unlikely. NBC just called it for Beshear.

10k feels a lot safer than 6, and also, given the current environment, we’re still drawing live to naked power grabs where they try to see if anyone can stop them.

Yeah but when it was 10k we thought there was enough outstanding for beshear to pick up 7500, he only picked up 4K. I still think we’re sitting pretty here.

Remember that absentee ballots that were received by Election Day have already been counted. You’re talking about late absentees that were mailed by yesterday but have not yet been recieved. There just can’t be that many of those out there, and there’s no real reason to think absentees would break that heavily against the Election Day results.

Seeing chatter the GOP incumbent purged 130k voters and still lost?