2019 Elections: LA, KY, MS gov, VA legislature, other local stuff

Lead down to 1% with 94% in.

I think (could be wrong) that Henderson is a big ass Dem county and currently has sod all reporting

Henderson went to Trump by 62-34 on about 19k total votes cast.

Henderson now 100% in, and it stays blue, ~13k total votes cast, not a bad turnout.

Leading by 10k, and really not much left, the counties left are tiny. I’d say Beshear is still pretty strong to win this.



Actually, leading by more than 11k. I’d be curious how many late absentees/overseas ballots are outstanding, but i have to believe beshear has it at this point.

Probably the lead tomorrow will be “too close to call” though and it won’t be called for a few more days.

Lead back down to just under 10k votes, still some more left in Louisville though for the dems, and the republican counties left are still tiny. Even if he swepet them all like 75/25, there shouldn’t be enough votes there to overcome a 9k deficit.

The 4 counties with no returns were about 19k total votes in 2016, so, if we go by Henderson numbers, we figure 13k this time. They were about 75% trump. At that clip, Bevin nets 7500 votes, well into recount territory, and thus likely shenanigans.

On CNN when they put up the 2015 results the counties all went for Bevin by like at most 500-900 votes. There just shouldn’t be enough left. Hodl!

Yeah, you’re right, probably recount territory.

Warren County - that’s Bowling Green/WKU – was the largest county outstanding, just came in 51-47 for Beshear. The other counties out look quite small (and quite red), but now under 10K difference.

9k vote lead for beshear with 98 percent in.

Warren County still has 10 precincts outstanding, which is encouraging.

those smaller counties are going to have more votes than 2015. The remaining Lville votes means Bevin loses but might be close enough for a recount. (edit those are in now, n/m)

99 in with 12k lead

Louisville now 100%


Beshear back up to just under 12k lead, 99 percent reporting. Anyone know the automatic recount threshold in Kentucky? If it’s 1 percent we have a recount. If it’s half a percent we probably don’t.

Only two counties left now, still over 10k. The other smaller county only netted Bevin like 500 votes.

“In general elections, any candidate for state, county, district, or city office can request a recount, with the exception of candidates for the offices of governor, lieutenant governor, and General Assembly member. In these latter cases, a candidate who has won at least 25 percent of the votes cast for the successful candidate for the office in question can contest the election, which entails a recount. Candidates are liable for the costs associated with a recount.”

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