2019 Elections: LA, KY, MS gov, VA legislature, other local stuff

well now that we know that the KY legislature can just decide to say mitch won regardless of the results sure but let them have at least one day before you rain on that parade.

Only conceivable way that happens is if McConnell engineers trumps conviction and trump spite campaigns against him

Probably not, but it’s definitely not impossible, and if things break the wrong way over the next year it could absolutely happen. He has to take precautions to keep it out of reach.

He’s Mitch McConnell so yeah he’s probably safe because he’ll make the right decisions… but it’s not an automatic spot.

I’d tend to agree - these guys look invincible until the day they aren’t.

Harry Reid was as powerful as Mitch in his neck of the woods, and if the GOP hadn’t run a certifiably insane candidate against him he would have lost his last election - he saw the writing on the wall and retired next go-round. The GOP tends to be a lot better organized than the dems in terms of this stuff, but I think you can argue that dumb Donnie makes the party control over things a lot more problematic. I’d think whoever runs against Mitch has at least a punchers chance.




Virginia being blue causes cognitive dissonance in people who view Virginia as a Southern state and assume certain properties are uniform throughout the South.

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Wikipedia says it is named after the estate of a riverboat captain.

The only “reports of irregularities” have come from Matt Bevin.



Hmm…the day after…


Wow, Moscow Mitch really wants to run against McGrath.


Jeff Sessions is about to announce a run for his old Alabama Senate seat… Details to come.

I’m not sure what take to have on Sessions running for AL senate tbh. Don’t trumpers hate him?


Yup… He’s not winning his primary I’d say.

I’m sure the allegations are 100 percent bullshit but it’s still hilarious that they’ve dismantled the FEC

…and it worked and Matt Jones is off the air until he makes a decision. Well I’m livid.

Fuck you so hard Moscow Mitch

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Pretty good trial run for 2020 too, to see what the reaction is and how far the left goes to stop them from flat out stealing an election after losing it.

I don’t think I have missed a KSR show in 6-7 years or so thanks to podcast. I know its dumb, but show legit helped me through some of my lowest points in my life.

Show will continue on with or without Matt Jones. But it is clearly better when he is on there.

Also fuck you Amy

I think this is a legit bad play from Moscow Mitch, because I think it just might get people who might have voted him to turn against him.

I only hope this ends up working against him. I mean it kills me how both democrat and republican establishment have been trying to bury Matt Jones for daring to run and being outside the establishment.


Mostly fuck you Schumer

Get primaried already you fucking worthless piece of shit

AOC please


How far does the left have to demonstrate a willingness to go to discourage Republicans from trying similar shenanigans in the future? I say pretty far. And that doesn’t mean civil war and that doesn’t mean riots in the street, but it does mean a willingness to make life uncomfortable for people who value order and stability.

We’ve seen how conservatives want to treat Muslims after 9/11, how they act as if undocumented Mexicans are camouflage for thugs and murders coming across the borders. They are going to see peaceful demonstrations as a safe harbor for antifa assassins trying to start a riot. Trying to convince them that isn’t the case is as much of a wasted effort as trying to explain to them that Democrats aren’t a bunch of revolutionary communists.

What response is enough to scare Republicans into not trying to steal an election? Take this as a sincere question and not an attempt at asking a question that is meant to lead you to accepting a violent reaction. There’s a range of possible actions and political violence is only one end of that range. I use “scare” because Kohlberg would probably say that Republicans operate at a pre-conventional level of moral reasoning, with actions driven by self-interest and fear of punishment. What can be done to them before the 2020 elections that would make them afraid?