2019 Elections: LA, KY, MS gov, VA legislature, other local stuff

It could make him more popular if he can be portrayed as a martyr crucified by the establishment. (Which may be a fair assessment.) The model is there for him to pursue an anti-corruption, anti-establishment message that will probably drive up the negatives of any establishment Dem who might beat him in the primary.

I’ll definitely be donating to Matt because of this

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Healthcare is a strong motivator.

(J) is worded in a way that I think is necessary for the purpose of the question, but at the same time, it lets you say you care about state government without having to consider the federal employee who lies every time he speaks.


Some of the highest metric demographics:

Highest education high school: 33%
Married: 59%
Age 45-64: 38%
Income 50k-75k: 17%
Full-time worker: 37%
Retired: 22%

To be fair, it’s 0.4% and a recount would be automatically triggered in quite a few states I believe? Recanvass is a step below an official recount and is the least extreme measure. One of the articles posted pointed out that the preferred order of operations would be recanvass → recount → contested election. Looks like they have 30 days after official certification to contest an election. I’m not saying I trust them not to cheat, but if I were a candidate in that spot I’d want a check on the numbers. A single clerical error somewhere could flip it.

Beshear’s response is dreadful. If Bevin finds some angle on the recanvass then of course he will honor it lol. That would put Beshear in the predicament of honoring and conceding or not honoring and contradicting his own statement. If Bevin doesn’t find a flip, he can just request an official recount and/or contest the election for more backdoor outs. The results of previous recanvasses have no bearing at all on this one so that’s another stupid point to make.

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In before the “irregularities” that have been “corroborated” is record turnout tacitly implying tons of ILLEGALS have been voting in the overwhelmingly Hispanic state of [checks notes] Kentucky. They’ll find a single ballot for Beshear that doesn’t perfectly match the voter rolls and use that to invalidate an entire election. Great trial balloon.

If they start to try it, two things should happen. First they should be immediately sued to stop the theft of the election and it should be fast tracked to the highest court possible. Second, there should be thousands and thousands of protesters in and around the state house. They should block all the entrances and refuse to let them in. They should make the Republican legislators very uncomfortable, but remain peaceful while holding their ground. However, they should refuse to disperse under any circumstances unless the plot to steal the election is ended. If violence is used to break them up, then that’s Kentucky law enforcement starting a violent coup to remove the duly elected governor, and they are within their moral rights to stand their ground and defend themselves.

This is an example of what I mean by using all non-violent means necessary before considering violent escalation. Every attempt should be made to avoid that while still fighting against injustice.

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Exactly, the part of that statement that made me shudder was not the re-canvass, that’s standard/whatever. It was “irregularities.” That’s laying the groundwork to contest the election. They’re not recanvassing in a good faith effort to make sure the result was accurate, they’re going to try to find a way to spin a narrative about voter fraud and then steal the election.

And didn’t they also purge a bunch of voters before the election? Like, this is what we’re up against. First they’re going to cheat a little before the election, then they’re going to cheat more after. Thankfully, they are often overestimating just how awful they can be in office while still cheating their way to victory. We are counting on them being so terrible that so many people turn against them that they can’t cheat their way to de facto one party rule.

I’m not necessarily in favor of violent escalation. However, I am in favor of making them fear violent escalation and giving them a choice between appearing impotent in the face of overwhelming opposition or offering a disproportionate response that makes them look bad. I don’t believe in bending over backwards to assure people that protest will be nonviolent, with the understanding that this creates a small risk that violence might be okay. And I believe that militant language is more likely to encourage the thousands of protesters you seek.

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They are definitely well on their way to destroying the legitimacy of the government… which does lead to NBZ type situations. The reason we don’t have political violence in this country is because Democracy. That’s the biggest pro in the pro/con analysis of Democracy… the peaceful transition of power from one group to another when the will of the people changes.

Obviously you get rid of that and then push people too hard… and things can get bad. I really really really don’t want to see political violence become a thing in the US, and I seriously do worry that we’re hacking away at the roots of the thing that prevents it.

I don’t think language militant or otherwise is what will fix this. Voting will either save us or it won’t. Before violence starts to happen the GOP will lose a lot of elections and then steal them. But here’s Bevin trying to steal one outright… I mean if you do everything you can to cheat before the election, and then lose an off year election to a Democrat you have zero legitimacy or right to rule. The circumstances benefited you as much as possible and you still lost. Nobody likes you and if you steal the election turnout for the other side will either skyrocket or stuff will start blowing up… literally. At some point you either give in to the popular will or people get hurt.

I worry the GOP is going to push their antidemocratic behavior to the point where people start getting hurt… and I worry that establishment Dems are going to let them.

Someone smarter than I please handicap Beshear being governor of KY next term.

If you can credibly threaten their economic support, that would make them afraid. I don’t know how to do that, but I do think the money lever is pretty powerful if you can bring it to bear somehow.

Yeah record turnout and rural counties flipping that were like +40 Trump in 2016 against a historically awful incumbent threatening teacher pay, a popular healthcare program, and tolls at the worst traffic bottleneck, and yet that only yields a +0.4 win in a state that has mostly elected Democratic governors. And the implication is that maybe it’s the Democrats who are cheating.

Businesses want nice, stable environments to operate in. Threaten that, promise to create social unrest that makes doing business uncertain and uncomfortable. And that doesn’t mean rioting, but the threat of potential riot makes them uneasy and I don’t think you should do anything to ease their minds that nothing violent will happen. That’s like taking impeachment off the table preemptively, like Pelosi did in 2006.

Basically, you shouldn’t threaten violence directly, but you should be aware that you are creating a tinderbox that could spark into violence if provoked. Increase tension, but it’s on them if they do something turns heated outrage into a full-on conflagration.

If it comes down to a court decision where the outcome is uncertain, gather the people. Make them painfully aware that the wrong decision being announced could set off something like the LA riots. Not by explicitly threatening to riot, but by merely having the looming presence of the masses.

It’s ridiculous it even got on any news when R’s won easily every other race. You lost snowflake now stfu.

What I’m thinking of would be a stage before large scale protests and/or rioting would be on the table. I’m at work so I don’t really have time to write a long thoughtful post, but basically I’m wondering if something parallel to the way some RWNJs were booted off TV by boycotts/threats of boycotts of advertisers could work.

It would be something like cutting the politicians off from their donors, or boycotting their donors, or otherwise economically harming them. It would be hard but maybe possible with the right tactics in some situations.

Lol yes that is a very interesting aspect of the supposed rigging that his downballots would crush with only the top of the ticket getting haxed by illegal socialist deep staters.

climate change is real


Looks like the game Risk.

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This is like moderately insulting

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So Trump has been totally silent on the Louisiana governors race - can I assume the GOP candidate is dead in the water?